Registration / Order Form Make the check or money order payable to Spiderweb Software (US currency, please) and mail to: Spiderweb Software. 14 Easton Ave. #202 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (USA) (908) 545-7552 Please print NEATLY and impress us with your penmanship. Last Name First Name Address City State Zip Registration Code ___________________ To find out the registration code, select 'Shareware Info' from the title screen of Exile. Without this, we cannot process your order. Registration Code for Editor ____________________ To find out the registration code, select 'Shareware Info' from the registration menu of the Editor. Without this, we cannot sell you an editor. For registration by credit card, call 1(800)2424-PSL (outside U.S. (713)524-6394. Minimum credit card order is $15, and this number is for ordering only. They cannot answer questions. I would like to register: "Exile: Escape From The Pit v1.1"..................NO YES ($25) "Exile Character Editor"............................NO YES ($9) I would like to order by mail: The hint booklet to Exile...........................NO YES ($6) Send a copy of "Exile" and the Exile Editor on disk.NO YES ($6) (this is only available by mail) Exile Bundle: Exile, the Editor, and a Hint Book....NO YES ($35) Total so far: ____________ Inside US and Canada, all prices include shipping and handling. Outside US and Canada, add $3 S/H. ____________ NJ residents add %6 sales tax ____________ TOTAL: ____________ My e-mail address is: America Online Compuserve Total Due = Internet Other Circle the name of the service you would like us to try and e-mail your registration to.