- 3D CyberPuck, Version 1.00 - DESCRIBE.TXT - 3 D C Y B E R P U C K ------------------------ Version 1.00 -------------- D E S C R I P T I O N A N D -------------------------------- A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------- Last updated: April, 1995 This file includes sample descriptions which you may use to describe the 3D CyberPuck package. Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the LICENSE.TXT text file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name(s) for BBSs: ---------------------- For consistency and to help users locate the files, please use the following file names: If the programs and documentation are in separate archive files, please use the following names (both must be posted): 3DPUC10A.ZIP 3D CyberPuck (v1.0) action game 1/2 3DPUC10B.ZIP 3D CyberPuck (v1.0) action game 2/2 If the programs and documentation are contained within a single archive file, please use the following name: 3DPUCK10.ZIP 3D CyberPuck (v1.0) action game If the program is compressed using some other file compression method, then please use the name "FileName" with the appropriate extension (PAK, ARC, LZH, ZOO, etc.). BBS SYSOP Information Page 1 of 3 - 3D CyberPuck, Version 1.00 - DESCRIBE.TXT - Keywords: ~~~~~~~~~ 3d,adlib,action,arcade,combat,game,Ticsoft,vga,hockey Category: ~~~~~~~~~ games Program Name, Category, Keywords: --------------------------------- 3D CyberPuck arcade game. Keywords: 3d,adlib,action,arcade, combat,game,Ticsoft,vga,hockey Short Description: ------------------ 3D CyberPuck distributed by Ticsoft Software is an incredibly fast paced game of skill and technique - best described as some sort of hockey derivative. Features multiple technical devices and power-ups to maintain control over the ball and keep the opponent in check. Requires: 386+, 540kB base RAM and 2MB total RAM, VGA. Adlib(tm)/ Soundblaster(tm) optional. (v1.0) Long Description: ----------------- 3D CyberPuck distributed by Ticsoft Software. Best described as a hockey derivative, this game is based on an incredibly fast 3D engine, which allows for natural looking grafics - effects. In this man vs. machine battle multiple features help the player maintain control over the magnetic ball and keep the opponent in check. Among these are: portable walls, gravity wells, boosters, landmines etc. The registered version features network mode and many more useful tools. Requires: 386+, 540kB base RAM and 2MB total RAM, VGA. Adlib(tm)/ Soundblaster(tm) optional. (v1.0) Registration Information: ------------------------- Registered users get the latest version of the complete 3D Cyber Puck game where you have several more levels, and a two player network mode. More levels and coole graphics. For complete user registration information please refer to the ORDER.BAT program file. BBS SYSOP Information Page 2 of 3 - 3D CyberPuck, Version 1.00 - DESCRIBE.TXT - Author/Publisher Information: ----------------------------- Ticsoft is a global company dedicated to bringing you quality games at reasonable prices. Please run the ORDER.BAT file to find a list of authorized Ticsoft distributors. BBS SYSOP Information Page 3 of 3