================================================================ Title : "GOO" - a DOOM II pwad Filename : GOO.WAD Author : Keiji Hukushi a.k.a Ken H. a.k.a. khuk Email Address : 76002,3162@Compuserve.com Description : Fairly big maze, Lots of traps. ================================================================ 2/16/95 This is my first try at Wad building. It's a fairly big maze and you have to go through most of it to get out. It can be beaten without cheating (unlike some pwads I've played.) It's called 'GOO' because that's easy to type, and I typed it MANY times switching between editing and playing before my muck brain said, "hey, let's write a batch file". By that time the name stuck. The music was written for GeneralMidi on a Roland GM module. It works Soundblaster although it sounds a little odd. How does it sound on GUS, I don't know. To play, copy the wad to yor DOOM II directory and: doom2 -file goo.wad If you have any comments or criticisms (or raves) : K Hukushi 76002,3162@Compuserve.com ======================================================================= * Play Information * Map Number : DII MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Easy gives you more medikits, sl. less monsters. Medium and Hard are the same New Sounds : No New Graphics : Some New Music : GOO.wad contains new original music. Originally named The_Gate .MID. copyright 1994 k hukushi, Intracranial Music. All rights reserved (see permissions below) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : ADE2, BSP node builder, DEUTEX (level) Powertracks Pro, MIDI2MUS (music) Known Bugs : None that I know of -You tell me. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (MAY) use this level and the data contained in it as a base to build additional levels provided they give the original author additional credit above. You MAY distribute this WAD, in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.