Want to play the exact same game over again, yet NOT play something completely different? WeirdDoom v0.1b by Kelvin Gold (schizo@nwu.edu) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tried on v1.666; Will most likely NOT work w/ v1.7 & v1.7a. Rating : DIFFICULT Deathmatch : Haven't tried it, but it'll be a new experience. Sounds : Recycled old ones Graphics : Recycled old ones Textures : N/A WARNING : DEUSF AND DEHACKED [ARE] INCLUDED IN THE ZIP FILE. IF YOU HAVE A NEWER VERSION, YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO UNZIP THE FILES DIRECTLY! This is the weirdest Doom ][ game you'll ever play. Trust me. Just have fun for a few minutes; if you don't like it, then just delete it. It won't hurt to try, though. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. - Face pistol-shooting, shotgun-blasting, and rocket-launching possessed marines. They're not even afraid of jumping off edges. - Avoid the BFG-breathing Cacodemons at all costs! - Demons want to kill you so much that they walk on air! - Reload your shotguns and cock your pistols with lightning speed. Punch with great fervor. - Watch your BFG shot inch toward your enemy. Great for deathmatch at Level 7! It's so slow that you can run around the entire square and close up your enemy on the other side. - Watch your newly donned Arachnotron plasma gun eliminate the enemy. - Blast away your enemies with the new inviso-rocket. A bit weaker than the original rocket, yet a bit more kewl looking. - Bullet Puffs are now affected by gravity. Boy, this place sure has weird physical properties... =========================================================== Be sure to make a backup of your Doom 2 WAD and EXE file before unzipping this file into your Doom ][ v1.666 directory and running weird.bat. I will not be held resposible for any damage caused to your computer. Modify Doom 2 at your own risk (Although the only way this would screw up your computer is if a bolt of lightning hit the power source). Used : New Wad Tool v1.0b, DEUSF v2.1, Dehacked v2.0 Theez tewlS R AwesumM!!!