## version $VER: cp4_cardgreyscale.catalog 1.3 (18.03.99) magyar ## codeset 0 ## language magyar MSG_INFO Ez egy fekete-feh r "junoszty" megjelen grafikus k hoz. AG -n is m dik, de mivel WritePixelArray8()-at haszn l, rettenetesen lass ; This is a B/W driver for graphics cards. It's working on AGA too, but it's use the WritePixelArray8() function, and it's deadly slow on AGA. MSG_NOSCRMODE Nem adott meg k perny ; No ScreenMode Specified MSG_NOGFX Nem tal lok legal bb 39-es graphics.library-t ; Can't open graphics.library V39 MSG_NOINTUI Nem tal lok legal bb 39-es intuition.library-t ; Can't open intuition.library V39 MSG_NOSCR Nem siker lt megnyitni a k perny ; Can't open Screen MSG_NOWIN Nem siker lt ablakot nyitnom ; Can't open Window MSG_NOMEM Nincs el g mem ; Not enough memory MSG_NOHAMEHB Az EHB s a HAM m dokkal nem m ; EHB and HAM isn't supported