Quits the MoviePlayer program. If you have not saved changes made to an open movie, you will be asked if you want to save before quitting. Prints the active movie. Not available because no movie is open. Prints the active movie. Displays a dialog box in which you select printing options. Saves the active movie with a name and location you specify. Not available because no movie is open. Saves the active movie with a name and location you specify. Saves the active movie. Not available because you have not made any changes or no movie is open. Saves the active movie. If you have not saved it before, you can name the movie and choose a place to save it. Closes the active movie. Not available because no movie is open. Closes the active movie. Opens a saved movie. Not available because you’ve opened the maximum number of movies. Displays a dialog box you use to locate and open a movie. Creates a new movie called “Untitled.” Not available because you’ve opened the maximum number of movies. Creates a new movie called “Untitled.” File menu Use this menu to open, close, save, or print movies, and to quit MoviePlayer.