What should I do here?
Hint 1 of 16:
Look around.
Hint 2 of 16:
There is a crate with Malloy's name on it. It's a pity you can't move it.
Hint 3 of 16:
Look up to see the pulley unit.
Hint 4 of 16:
Go find the control panel for it.
Hint 5 of 16:
It's on the far left wall.
Hint 6 of 16:
Open the control box.
Hint 7 of 16:
Push the on and lower buttons
Hint 8 of 16:
Now you will have to find something to secure the pulley to the crate.
Hint 9 of 16:
Return to the crate and turn to see a pirate chest. Open it.
Hint 10 of 16:
Take the peg leg from it.
Hint 11 of 16:
Use the peg leg on the pulley.
Hint 12 of 16:
Return to the control box and push Raise.
Hint 13 of 16:
Return to the crate and take the map of Asia from the pallet. Examine it.
Hint 14 of 16:
Open the crate.
Hint 15 of 16:
Get the photograph of the Plain of Nazca from it.
Hint 16 of 16:
Also, take the tapestry.