// Gunfire combat model chart // Format // // // // // // Body Armor Chart // "BeginList" // Begin armor list // // "BeginList" // Begin body part list // // // "EndList" // End body part list // "EndList" // End armor list BeginList // Begin the ammo list // -- Unsuppressed Ammo -- // 9mm Parabellum - Full metal jacket 9mmP(FMJ) 0 0 0.8 550 525 240 280 0.005435 1.0 0.25 0.008889 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.3 0.5 chest 0.35 0.5 abdomen 0.35 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.4 0.5 chest 0.4 0.33 abdomen 0.4 0.33 EndList EndList // 9mm Parabellum - Jacketed Hollow Point 9mmP(JHP) 0 0 1.2 600 575 230 260 0.007463 1.0 0.5 0.013158 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.9 0.5 abdomen 0.9 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.75 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 5.56x45mm - Full Metal Jacket 5.56x45mm(FMJ) 0 0 0.65 550 550 370 390 0.001420 1.0 0.2 0.004535 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.15 0.5 chest 0.15 0.5 abdomen 0.15 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.25 0.5 chest 0.25 0.33 abdomen 0.25 0.33 EndList EndList // 5.56x45mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 5.56x45mm(JHP) 0 0 0.9 625 600 400 400 0.001420 1.0 0.25 0.004902 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.65 0.5 abdomen 0.65 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 7.62x39mm - Full Metal Jacket 7.62x39mm(FMJ) 0 0 0.75 600 650 300 340 0.002841 1.0 0.1 0.0125 0.1 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.3 0.5 chest 0.2 0.5 abdomen 0.2 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.3 0.5 chest 0.35 0.33 abdomen 0.35 0.33 EndList EndList // 7.62x39mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 7.62x39mm(JHP) 0 0 1.0 650 700 280 340 0.003030 1.5 0.2 0.006897 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.85 0.5 abdomen 0.85 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 7.62x51mm - Full Metal Jacket 7.62x51mm(FMJ) 0 0 0.73 725 700 550 600 0.003 0.1 0.1 0.003333 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.25 0.5 chest 0.2 0.5 abdomen 0.2 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.3 0.5 chest 0.25 0.33 abdomen 0.25 0.33 EndList EndList // 7.62x51mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 7.62x51mm(JHP) 0 0 1.0 750 750 500 600 0.001401 1.1 0.1429 0.003891 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.85 0.5 abdomen 0.85 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.9 0.33 abdomen 0.9 0.33 EndList EndList // 7.62x54mm - Full Metal Jacket 7.62x54mm(FMJ) 0 0 0.7 750 725 550 600 0.003175 0.1 0.25 0.003333 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.25 0.5 chest 0.2 0.5 abdomen 0.2 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.3 0.5 chest 0.25 0.33 abdomen 0.25 0.33 EndList EndList // 7.62x54mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 7.62x54mm(JHP) 0 0 0.95 775 750 500 600 0.002222 0.5 0.25 0.003891 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.85 0.5 abdomen 0.85 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.9 0.33 abdomen 0.9 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.40 - Full Metal Jacket 0.40(FMJ) 0 0 0.85 600 675 200 210 0.01 1.0 0.6667 0.033333 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.35 0.5 chest 0.35 0.5 abdomen 0.35 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.4 0.33 abdomen 0.4 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.40 - Jacketed Hollow Point 0.40(JHP) 0 0 1.25 650 725 190 200 0.0125 1.0 0.75 0.025 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.9 0.5 abdomen 0.9 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.45 - Full Metal Jacket 0.45(FMJ) 0 0 0.87 650 700 200 220 0.0125 1.0 1.0 0.025 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.4 0.5 chest 0.4 0.5 abdomen 0.4 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.45 0.33 abdomen 0.45 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.45 - Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45(JHP) 0 0 1.3 700 750 180 200 0.016667 1.0 1.0 0.033333 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.9 0.5 abdomen 0.9 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.75 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.50 AE - Full Metal Jacket 0.50AE(FMJ) 0 0 0.75 700 800 220 240 0.01 1.0 1.0 0.022222 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.25 0.5 chest 0.45 0.5 abdomen 0.45 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.5 0.33 abdomen 0.5 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.50 AE - Jacketed Hollow Point 0.50AE(JHP) 0 0 1.2 750 850 190 210 0.016667 1.0 1.0 0.033333 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.85 0.5 abdomen 0.85 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.75 0.5 chest 0.9 0.33 abdomen 0.9 0.33 EndList EndList // 12 ga. 00 Buckshot "12ga. 00 Buckshot" 0 0 2.0 600 900 50 70 0.04 0.0 0.6667 0.333333 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.85 0.25 abdomen 0.85 0.25 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.9 0.5 chest 0.9 0.25 abdomen 0.9 0.25 EndList EndList // 12 ga. Slug "12ga. Slug" 0 0 0.8 800 800 90 90 0.04 1.0 0.45 0.333333 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.35 0.5 chest 0.60 0.67 abdomen 0.60 0.67 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.7 0.5 chest 0.65 0.33 abdomen 0.65 0.33 EndList EndList // 12 ga. Rubber baton "12ga. Rubber baton" 0 0 5.0 100 1000 40 110 0.111111 1.0 1.0 0.111111 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 1.0 1.0 abdomen 1.0 1.0 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 1.0 0.5 chest 1.0 1.0 abdomen 1.0 1.0 EndList EndList // 5.45mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 5.45mm(JHP) 0 0 1.1 600 600 285 300 0.004 1 0.25 0.008333 0 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.65 0.5 abdomen 0.65 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.95 0.3333 abdomen 0.95 0.3333 EndList EndList // 5.45mm - Full Metal Jacketed 5.45mm(FMJ) 0 0 0.7 550 550 300 340 0.002857 1 0.2 0.005822 0 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.15 0.5 chest 0.15 0.5 abdomen 0.15 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.25 0.5 chest 0.20 0.3333 abdomen 0.20 0.3333 EndList EndList // 7.65mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 7.65mm(JHP) 0 0 1.5 500 350 130 150 0.02 1 0.5 0.029 0 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.90 0.5 abdomen 0.90 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.75 0.5 chest 0.95 0.3333 abdomen 0.95 0.3333 EndList EndList // 7.65mm - Full Metal Jacketed 7.65mm(FMJ) 0 0 1.1 450 300 130 150 0.02 1 0.5 0.025 0 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.35 0.5 chest 0.60 0.5 abdomen 0.60 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.65 0.3333 abdomen 0.65 0.3333 EndList EndList // 10mm - Full Metal Jacketed 10mm(FMJ) 0 0 0.85 575 550 280 290 0.004 1 0.25 0.006667 0.5 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.35 0.5 chest 0.35 0.5 abdomen 0.35 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.40 0.3333 abdomen 0.40 0.3333 EndList EndList // 10mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 10mm(JHP) 0 0 1.25 625 600 240 280 0.005556 1.35 0.25 0.006667 1 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.50 0.5 chest 0.90 0.5 abdomen 0.90 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.95 0.3333 abdomen 0.95 0.3333 EndList EndList // 0.357 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point 0.357(JHP) 0 0 1.0 725 700 200 220 0.013 1 1 0.029 1 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.50 0.5 chest 0.90 0.5 abdomen 0.90 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.70 0.5 chest 0.95 0.3333 abdomen 0.95 0.3333 EndList EndList // 0.357 Magnum - Full Metal Jacket "0.357(FMJ)" 0 0 0.8 675 675 200 210 0.0125 1 1 0.029 1 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.35 0.5 chest 0.35 0.5 abdomen 0.35 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.40 0.3333 abdomen 0.40 0.3333 EndList EndList // 0.50 Browning - Full Metal Jacket "0.50 Browning (FMJ)" 0 0 0.5 1200 1200 800 800 0.001538 0.25 1 0.003125 1 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.10 0.5 chest 0.20 0.5 abdomen 0.20 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.20 0.5 chest 0.30 0.3333 abdomen 0.30 0.3333 EndList EndList // 0.50 Browning - Jacketed Hollow Point "0.50 Browning (JHP)" 0 0 0.8 1200 1200 800 800 0.001538 0.25 1 0.003125 1 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.15 0.5 chest 0.25 0.5 abdomen 0.25 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.25 0.5 chest 0.35 0.3333 abdomen 0.35 0.3333 EndList EndList // 0.300 Winchester - Full Metal Jacketed "0.300 Win (FMJ)" 0 0 0.68 720 720 470 480 0.002857 0.25 1 0.006667 0.5 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.10 0.5 chest 0.10 0.5 abdomen 0.10 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.15 0.5 chest 0.25 0.3333 abdomen 0.25 0.3333 EndList EndList // 0.300 Winchester - Jacketed Hollow Point "0.300 Win (JHP)" 0 0 1.1 750 750 480 490 0.002857 0.25 1 0.005556 0.5 BeginList //Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.30 0.5 chest 0.50 0.5 abdomen 0.50 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.40 0.5 chest 0.65 0.3333 abdomen 0.65 0.3333 EndList EndList //-- Suppressed Ammo // 9mm Parabellum - Full metal jacket 9mmP(FMJ) 1 0 0.8 500 450 240 280 0.008152 1.0 0.1875 0.008889 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.3 0.5 chest 0.35 0.5 abdomen 0.35 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.4 0.5 chest 0.4 0.33 abdomen 0.4 0.33 EndList EndList // 9mm Parabellum - Jacketed Hollow Point 9mmP(JHP) 1 0 1.2 525 475 230 260 0.011194 1.0 0.5 0.013158 0.75 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.9 0.5 abdomen 0.9 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.75 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.40 - Full Metal Jacket 0.40(FMJ) 1 0 0.85 550 575 200 210 0.01 1.0 0.5 0.025 0.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.35 0.5 chest 0.35 0.5 abdomen 0.35 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.4 0.33 abdomen 0.4 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.40 - Jacketed Hollow Point 0.40(JHP) 1 0 1.25 575 600 190 200 0.0125 1.0 0.75 0.025 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.9 0.5 abdomen 0.9 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.45 - Full Metal Jacket 0.45(FMJ) 1 0 0.87 600 650 200 220 0.0133 1.0 1.0 0.028571 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.4 0.5 chest 0.4 0.5 abdomen 0.4 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.45 0.33 abdomen 0.45 0.33 EndList EndList // 0.45 - Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45(JHP) 1 0 1.3 625 675 180 200 0.016667 1.0 1.0 0.033333 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.9 0.5 abdomen 0.9 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.75 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 10mm - Jacketed Hollow Point 10mm(JHP) 1 0 1.25 550 500 220 250 0.005556 1.35 0.25 0.007143 1.0 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.5 0.5 chest 0.9 0.5 abdomen 0.9 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.65 0.5 chest 0.95 0.33 abdomen 0.95 0.33 EndList EndList // 10mm - Full Metal Jacketed 10mm(FMJ) 1 0 0.85 500 475 240 260 0.04 1.0 0.25 0.006667 0.5 BeginList // Armor list "standard armor" BeginList head 0.35 0.5 chest 0.35 0.5 abdomen 0.35 0.5 EndList "heavy armor" BeginList head 0.45 0.5 chest 0.40 0.33 abdomen 0.40 0.33 EndList EndList EndList // End Ammo List //------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Stun Chart Format ---------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------- // // BeginChart // // BeginList // Body Part List // // BeginList // State List // // Min and Max are 0 - 100 // EndList // EndList // EndChart BeginChart 1 99 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 80 stunned 81 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 90 stunned 91 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 85 stunned 86 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 90 stunned 91 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 90 stunned 91 100 EndList EndList 99 149 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 60 stunned 61 98 dazed 99 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 70 stunned 71 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 60 stunned 61 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 70 stunned 71 85 dazed 86 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 70 stunned 71 85 dazed 86 100 EndList EndList 149 199 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 20 stunned 21 90 dazed 91 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 59 stunned 60 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 50 stunned 51 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 59 stunned 60 80 dazed 81 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 59 stunned 60 80 dazed 81 100 EndList EndList 199 249 BeginList head BeginList stunned 1 75 dazed 76 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 54 stunned 55 94 dazed 95 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 40 stunned 41 95 dazed 96 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 40 stunned 41 69 dazed 70 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 40 stunned 41 69 dazed 70 100 EndList EndList 249 349 BeginList head BeginList stunned 1 60 dazed 61 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 39 stunned 40 89 dazed 90 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 20 stunned 21 90 dazed 91 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 20 stunned 21 59 dazed 60 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 20 stunned 21 59 dazed 60 100 EndList EndList 349 449 BeginList head BeginList stunned 1 30 dazed 31 94 wounded 95 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 19 stunned 20 70 dazed 80 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 10 stunned 11 80 dazed 81 98 wounded 99 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 10 stunned 11 59 dazed 60 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 10 stunned 11 59 dazed 60 100 EndList EndList 449 549 BeginList head BeginList stunned 1 20 dazed 21 84 wounded 85 100 EndList chest BeginList stunned 1 59 dazed 60 93 wounded 94 100 EndList abdomen BeginList stunned 1 70 dazed 71 90 wounded 91 100 EndList legs BeginList stunned 1 49 dazed 50 100 EndList arms BeginList stunned 1 49 dazed 50 100 EndList EndList 549 699 BeginList head BeginList stunned 1 10 dazed 11 74 wounded 75 100 EndList chest BeginList stunned 1 30 dazed 31 90 wounded 91 100 EndList abdomen BeginList stunned 1 50 dazed 51 84 wounded 85 100 EndList legs BeginList stunned 1 39 dazed 40 89 wounded 90 100 EndList arms BeginList stunned 1 39 dazed 40 89 wounded 90 100 EndList EndList 699 1000 BeginList head BeginList stunned 1 5 dazed 6 64 wounded 65 100 EndList chest BeginList stunned 1 20 dazed 21 84 wounded 85 100 EndList abdomen BeginList stunned 1 40 dazed 41 75 wounded 76 100 EndList legs BeginList stunned 1 29 dazed 30 85 wounded 86 100 EndList arms BeginList stunned 1 29 dazed 30 85 wounded 86 100 EndList EndList EndChart //------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Kill Chart Format ---------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------- // // BeginChart // // // BeginList // Body Part List // // BeginList // State List // // Min and Max are 0 - 100 // EndList // EndList // EndChart BeginChart 1 99 0 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 50 wounded 51 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 95 wounded 96 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 95 wounded 96 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 95 wounded 96 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 95 wounded 96 100 EndList EndList 99 149 1 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 25 wounded 26 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 90 wounded 91 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 90 wounded 91 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 90 wounded 91 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 90 wounded 91 100 EndList EndList 149 199 1 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 20 wounded 21 90 incapacitated 91 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 84 wounded 85 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 80 wounded 81 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 80 wounded 81 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 80 wounded 81 100 EndList EndList 199 249 1 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 15 wounded 16 80 incapacitated 81 95 dead 96 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 79 wounded 80 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 70 wounded 71 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 70 wounded 71 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 70 wounded 71 100 EndList EndList 249 349 2 BeginList head BeginList "no effect" 1 15 wounded 16 70 incapacitated 71 80 dead 81 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 70 wounded 71 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 50 wounded 51 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 50 wounded 51 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 50 wounded 51 100 EndList EndList 349 449 3 BeginList head BeginList wounded 1 15 incapacitated 16 60 dead 61 100 EndList chest BeginList "no effect" 1 30 wounded 31 90 incapacitated 91 95 dead 96 100 EndList abdomen BeginList "no effect" 1 24 wounded 25 94 incapacitated 95 99 dead 100 100 EndList legs BeginList "no effect" 1 24 wounded 25 100 EndList arms BeginList "no effect" 1 24 wounded 25 100 EndList EndList 449 549 4 BeginList head BeginList wounded 1 5 incapacitated 6 50 dead 51 100 EndList chest BeginList wounded 1 50 incapacitated 51 80 dead 81 100 EndList abdomen BeginList wounded 1 84 incapacitated 85 94 dead 95 100 EndList legs BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList arms BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList EndList 549 699 4 BeginList head BeginList incapacitated 1 30 dead 31 100 EndList chest BeginList wounded 1 20 incapacitated 21 40 dead 41 100 EndList abdomen BeginList wounded 1 50 incapacitated 51 85 dead 86 100 EndList legs BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList arms BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList EndList 699 750 5 BeginList head BeginList incapacitated 1 25 dead 26 100 EndList chest BeginList wounded 1 7 incapacitated 8 35 dead 36 100 EndList abdomen BeginList wounded 1 20 incapacitated 21 75 dead 76 100 EndList legs BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList arms BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList EndList 751 1000 10 BeginList head BeginList incapacitated 1 10 dead 11 100 EndList chest BeginList wounded 1 3 incapacitated 4 25 dead 26 100 EndList abdomen BeginList wounded 1 20 incapacitated 21 75 dead 76 100 EndList legs BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList arms BeginList wounded 1 100 EndList EndList EndChart