Incoming Lux-et-Robur.

Full retail version of Incoming is available April 9th.


Incoming is a multi-vehicle shoot-em-up with frantic, varied action and strategy 
elements. During the course of the game, you will control a variety of equipment, 
from gun turrets to combat aircraft in missions which include attack, defence, 
interception, re-supply, escort and many more.

Game Background

It is the near future. The steadily increasing sightings of UFOs at the beginning 
of the 21st century were of little interest to Earth's governments, but when UFOs 
attacked the international moonbase in May 2008, it was clear that the aliens had 
intentions other than observation. After the first alien raid, Earth mobilised all 
available spacecraft in a desperate attempt to evacuate the 600+ personnel on the 
base. A rag-tag bunch of hastily modified shuttles and orbital rockets managed to 
break through the alien defences and evacuate several hundred personnel but the 
alien campaign of terror had only just begun.

After precise attacks on Earth's space facilities and with growing evidence of the 
establishment of an alien base in the Arctic the Earth's governments decided to 
take action. Work began on the secret construction of the massive Anomaly Detection 
And Tracking Array (ADATA) in the desolate African peaks near Mount Kilimanjaro. 
Within eight months the facility was nearly complete - but the aliens had already 
detected the facility's test runs and were on their way.

Game Structure

Incoming features six scenarios which are played sequentially. Each scenario is split 
into ten sequential phases, each of which is a mission which is vital to the success 
of the overall campaign. Failure to complete a phase results in the loss of one 
'life'; three lives lost and it's game over.

If you play the game in Campaign Action mode, then in addition to the six standard 
scenarios, there are four bonus 'virus' scenarios at game end which are each made up 
of a single phase. There are some other missions which are hidden in the game for the 
more determined players, but we'll leave them for you to find!

Phases end if one of the following three conditions occur:

Your craft is destroyed
A scenario critical object is destroyed
Several objects which form a scenario critical group are destroyed

During the game, phases may be interrupted by strategic sub-phases. 
These require you to use the Tactical Display to command your forces against the aliens.

Incoming Lux-et-Robor contains the following features:

	· Four completely different game modes: campaign action, campaign tactics, 
	arcade mode and multiple player.  

	· Two completely new scenarios with ten new phases each. The first new 
	scenario is "Oceanic" this sees the player defending the Earth's biggest 
	oil fields. The second new scenario is "Sands of Time" this sees the 
	players battling aliens across an alien planet. These scenarios will have 
	all new landscapes and dedicated locations and objects that populate them. 
	· Full voice talent support during mission briefings and in-game. During 
	in-game sections the player will hear communications between allies and 
	aliens as well as phase briefings and general game information.
	· Mission briefings will be accompanied with real-time movies using the 
	in-game engine.
	· Multiple player game options will be available spread over three rule 
	sets. "Body Count": Each player takes charge of a craft and must destroy 
	other player controlled craft. "Defense Force": Players select an environment 
	then must defend it from a computer controlled alien attack. "Team Play": 
	players form two teams Earth and alien. The objective for Earth team is to 
	defend a structure while the alien objective is to destroy the defended structure.
	· Split screen two player mode that can adopt any of the multiple player rule 
	sets (see above for more information). Allowing multiple player games to be played 
	on a single machine.
	· All current and new scenarios will be revisited at the end of the game in the full 
	price version. The aliens have infected all scenario locations with a virus that will 
	spread unless all the player destroys all Earth structures. The structures this time 
	will be defended by alien forces!
	· An arcade mode will be included that allows the player to define the location, 
	craft and enemies that will make-up the arcade level. Arcade mode will also include
	numerous in-game power-ups.
	· New craft for the player to control including: stealth boats, F22, sand skimmers 
	and the cobra AH-1.

	· New real-time graphical effects will include: fogging, flat plane animated skies, 
	dynamic shadow casting, animated model for the seascapes and more articulated world

	· Incoming will also include strategy elements via the battlescape overview screen. 
	This screen allows the player to issue orders to all allied craft. Later scenarios will 
	only be successful if the player uses all their allied units wisely. The player will be 
	able issue orders that include - group, move, retreat, attack allied units and resupply.

Incoming features a large variety of player craft including...

	Comanche helicopter,
	Cobra helicopter,
	Harrier strike fighter,
	A-10 attack aircraft,
	Mig-29 fighter,
	LeMarchand tank,
	Eisenhower tank,
	Griffon hovertank,
	Merlin hovercraft,
	Mobile gun battery,
	Stealth boat,
	Tempest fighter,
	Lance fighter,
	Zenith fighter,
	Phoenix hovertank,
	Demon utility craft,
	Light fighter,
	Medium fighter,
	Heavy fighter,
	Orbital fighter,
	Interdiction bomber,
	Advanced space fighter,
	Laser turret,
	Light laser turret,
	Strobe gun,
	Missile rack,
	General transport helicopter,
	C-17 Transport plane,
	Oil tankers,
	Passenger liner,
	Oil platforms,
	Space shuttle.

Command line switches for use with Incoming.

 	-screenmode     Enable user selection of screen modes
 	-alpha          Force use of alpha texture formats
 	-nolighting     Disable lighting engine
 	-noalphastipple Disable use of alpha stippling
 	-nosound        Disable sound FX
 	-no3dsound      Disable 3d sound
 	-noa3d		 Disable automatic use of Aureal
 	-notfullscreen  Attempt windowed display
 	-mouse          Enable system mouse for windowed display
 	-nolensflare    Disable lens flare effect
 	-nosky          Disable flat plane sky
 	-nomipmap	 Disable mipmapping
 	-reducedtexture reduce all textures
 	-2mb		 Squash texture to 2mb
 	-1.5mb		 Squash texture to 1.5mb
 	-1mb		 Squash texture to 1mb
 	-noshadows	 No shadows
 	-lowdef         Use lower definition models
 	-nocd		 Force no CD
 	-invalpha       Force non additive blending
 	-notauto        Needs to be used if alpha control is not to be automatic
 	-no3dx          Disables automatic use of 3DX instructions.
 	-notsc          Switch off use of RDTSC instruction, used for accurate timing
 	-primary        Force use of primary device, By default you are asked if you have multiple devices
	 -secondary      Force use of secondary device

Standard disclaimers apply.
(c) 1998 Rage Games Limited.