******************************************************************* !!! The Famous Night Owl CD-ROM Disk !!! ******************************************************************* New-Ware is now a distributer of the best Shareware/Public Domain CD-ROM disk on the market! Called the "Cadillac of CD-ROMs", this disk contains 4500+ files!! More than 700 MB (!!) of current Shareware and Public Domain files in the 60 different categories shown next: Alt. Operating Systems Fonts OS/2 ASP/ASAD Shareware Food/Nutrition Pascal/TP Assembler Games & Recreation Personal Appl. BASIC/QB/VB Game cheats/hints/etc Politics BBS Doors Game Scenery\Utils Printer BBS Software & Utils GIF / TGA / PCX Religious Business/Finance Graphics / Animation Screen/Video C.A.D Ham / SWL / Scanner Spreadsheet 'C', Turbo C, C++ Hard Disk Sound Clipper Health / Medicine Text Processing Communications Home Computing Virus Data Base Info / Text / FAQ Windows Appl. Demo Programs Input Devices Windows Games Desktop Publ/Clipart Magazines Windows Pgms/Utils DOS Pgms/Utils/Info Math / Sci. / Eng. Windows BMP/ICO/WAV E-Mail Menus & Shells Word Processing Education Misc. & Leftovers DV/QEMM File Compression Modem JPEG File Processing Network / LAN Sunrise Doors Floppy Disk Offline Mail New-Ware This disk retails for $49.95. New-Ware will be offering it at $39.95, but if you are a registered user of at least one New-Ware product, you may take advantage of this introductory offer and purchase the disk at $34.95. The Night Owl Shareware/Public domain disk includes sophisticated DOS and Windows 3.1 based file retrieval systems (written by New-Ware) that makes it easy to explore the vast number of compressed files on the disk and to extract/copy those that peak your interest. A brand new Windows-only disk will be released in the near future. Stay tuned for that one! New-Ware is developing the Windows based file retrieval system for that one and it's gonna be hot! New-Ware is also a distributer of the best graphics CD-ROM disk on the market! This CD is filled with over 640 MB of GIF, TIFF, PCX, Ray Trace, Animation, Font, and Clipart files.! Order one or both of these GREAT CD-ROM disks now! New-Ware 8050 Camino Kiosco San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 455-6225 Please send me my 700 megabyte Night Owl CD-ROM Shareware disk and/or the Night Owl 640 megabyte CD-ROM graphics disk: Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _______ Zip:________ Country: _____________________ If remitting by Visa or MasterCard: Valid card number: _________________________________________ Expiration date: _____________ Or remit by check or money order. ___ Yes, I am a registered user of at least one New-Ware product so my cost during the introductory period of 09/01/93 to 10/01/93 ___ CD-ROM Shareware disk $34.95. --- CD-ROM Graphics disk $29.95. --- No, I am not a registered user but please send me: ___ CD-ROM Shareware disk $39.95. --- CD-ROM Graphics dksk $34.95. ___ I am a California resident and therefore I am adding 7.25% sales tax of: ______ ___ I am not ordering from Canada nor the U.S. so I am including $5.00 for internationl air mail postage and handling charges. _____________________ ___ Total remittance: ______________________ Signature (if using MasterCard or Visa):__________________________________