------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [0] COPYRIGHT NOTICE -------------------- WinDEU 5.23 was created by the "DEU team": Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber, Ted Vessenes and others. [0.1] USAGE This program is free software. The latest version can be obtained free of charge on most Doom-related FTP servers (try ftp.cdrom.com, ftp.idsoftware.com or ftp2.montefiore.ulg.ac.be) and on the alt.binaries.doom newsgroup (on Internet/USENET). [0.2] DISTRIBUTION You are granted the rights to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this software package (including the three unmodified zip files w16deu52.zip, w32deu52.zip and wscdeu52.zip), under the following conditions * You may distribute it free of charge. If you distribute WinDEU bundled in a collection of other programs or files, or with a magazine, book or another material, the whole package must be free. * If you are charging any distribution fee for WinDEU or for the media on which it is distributed, you must meet one of the following two conditions: - Your package includes the following notice on the cover or any place where the people can look before having to open or buy the package: "includes the Doom editor WinDEU 5.23 (free software)". If your package can be ordered by mail or phone, this notice should also appear in any advertisement. - You send a free copy of the package in which WinDEU is included or with which it is distributed (disk, CD-ROM, magazine, book,...) to at least five (5) members of the DEU team. You are free to choose which members of the DEU team will receive a free copy, but please include a list of the persons you choose, so that we can check it. [0.3] MODIFICATIONS You are allowed to modify and distribute modified versions of this program (free of charge or not) under the following conditions: * If at least ten percent (10%) of the code is new, your program must display the following notice when executed, or in an "about" window: "This is a modified version of the free software package WinDEU 5.23. WinDEU was created by Renaud Paquay and DEU was created and is maintained by the DEU team: Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber, Ted Vessenes and others." This notice should also be included as is in the documentation of your program, if any. * If at least fifty percent (50%) of the code is new, you can choose to use this shorter notice instead: "This program contains some source code from WinDEU 5.23, written by the DEU team." * If you are using less than ten percent (10%) of the WinDEU source code in your program or if you just used the algorithms but not the code directly, you are not required to display any credit notice. But it would be nice and courteous to do so. * If your program contains some code from another version of WinDEU and you add some code from this version to it, the total counts as "WinDEU source code". * If requested by a member of the DEU team, you agree to submit your source code to a neutral third party who will estimate how much of the code is new. Changes in the comments and credit notice will not be counted. You are not allowed to distribute modifed copies if you do not fulfill these conditions, although you are allowed to make modifications for your personal use. Please consider joining the DEU team: this is the best way to contribute to the DEU project, and you will be credited for any code (or ideas) included in the next version. [0.4] OTHER RIGHTS The authors reserve the rights to change this license agreement in future versions of the program without any prior notice. Other rights for distribution of DEU or modified versions can be obtained from Raphael Quinet, 9 rue des Martyrs, B-4550 Nandrin, Belgium. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [X] DISCLAIMER: This program is provided "as-is", with NO WARRANTY, expressed or implied, as to its usefullness, stability, or suitability to task. Niether Raphael Quinet, nor any other member of the DEU team, is responsible for any damages, direct, indirect, or incedental, resulting from the use, misuse, or failure to use this product or any of its derivatives. You use this program at your own risk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------