This files consists of a list of the altered wall-textures/things. The names of the wall-textures consist of: TEXTURE name / PATCH name ALTERED WALL-TEXTURES Description Name --------------------------------------------------------------- Prison-window (with bars)..................ASHWALL / W104_1 Decorated door (with lights)...............BIGDOOR2 / DOOR2_4 Policesign 1...............................BRNSMAL1 / W111_2 Policesign 2...............................BRNSMAL2 / W111_3 Small fence................................BRNSMALL / W112_3 Small decorated door.......................DOOR1 / WALL03_1 two windows besides eachother..............MARBFACE / MWALL4_1 subway-sign................................MARBLE3 / MWALL3_1 Street-lights-decoration...................CEMENT4 / WALL55_1 Fence (wood)...............................CEMENT6 / WALL54_2 Chimney....................................SKSPINE1 / SPINE4_1 Winter-sky.................................SKY1 / SKY1 'Fence' of a closed shop...................SP_DUDE5 / WALL51_3 **** Supermarket pictures **** Supermarket-door...........................BROWN96 / WALL62_1 Supermarket-window 1 (no decoration).......BROWNGRN / WALL62_2 Supermarket-window 2 (decoration)..........SP_DUDE2 / WALL50_2 Supermarket-window 3 (decoration)..........SP_ROCK1 / WALL63_1 Supermarket-window 4 (with advertisements).SLADWALL / WLA128_1 **** Windows ***** Window with decoration(bells) -inside- ....CEMENT1 / WALL52_1 Window with decoration(bells) -outside- ...CEMENT5 / WALL52_2 Window (wood-like) -inside- ...............CEMENT2 / WALL53_1 Window (wood-like) -outside- ..............CEMENT3 / WALL54_1 **** wall pictures **** Grey bricks (no snow) .....................GSTGARG / WALL30_2 Grey bricks (snow on the bottom) ..........GSTLION / WALL30_4 Grey bricks (snow on the top) .............GSTSATYR / WALL30_3 Grey bricks (2x snow) .....................STARG3 / SW19_3 + SW19_4 Startan3 material with snow (2x) ..........STARTAN3 / SW19_1 + SW19_2 **** I.D. pictures **** window with doom-poster ...................MARBLE1 / MWALL1_1 I.D.-door .................................MARBLE2 / MWALL2_1 window with 'closed'-sign .................MARBLOD1 / MWALL1_2 **** clothes-shop pictures **** Clothes-shop door 1 .......................METAL1 / WALL03_7 Clothes-shop door 2 .......................SP_DUDE4 / WALL51_2 Clothes-shop window .......................ROCKRED1 / WALL64_2 **** restaurant-pictures **** Round window -inside- .....................NUKESLAD / WALL57_1 Round window -outside- ....................SP_DUDE6 / W108_1 Restaurant door ...........................SKINFACE / HELL5_1 **** cinema-pictures **** Cinema-ticket-sale-booth ..................PIPE2 / TP2_1 Cinema-sign ...............................PIPE6 / TP3_1 + TP3_2 **** Shop pictures **** big (sales/-50%) window -inside- ..........PIPE4 / TP7_1 + TP7_2 big (sales/-50%) window -outside- .........WOOD1 / WALL40_1 + WALL40_2 **** Army-dump pictures **** Army dump window 1 ('weapon o/t year-sign).ROCKRED2 / W64B_1 Army dump window 1 (chainsaw)..............ROCKRED3 / W64B_2 Army dump window 1 ('army-dump' sign)......SP_ROCK2 / WALL63_2 **** computer-shop pictures **** Computershop-door (door with closed-sign)..SHAWN2 / AG128_1 Computershop-window (with IBM-sign)........SP_DUDE1 / WALL50_1 Computershop-window (no decoration)........SP_DUDE3 / WALL51_1 ALTERED THINGS Description Name ------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas tree ('normal' green tree).......IMPALED HUMAN Christmas tree (altered LARGE SMALL TREE)..LARGE BROWN TREE Decorated tree (altered GREY TREE).........GREY TREE Decorated tree (altered SMALL BROWN SCRUB).SMALL BROWN SCRUB Tall green pillar with snow................TALL GREEN PILLAR Short green pillar with snow...............SHORT GREEN PILLAR Lantern (for outside use)..................TALL TECHNO COLUMN Star hanging form the ceiling..............HANGING 1 LEGGED HUMAN Candy-cane.................................TALL RED PILLAR Woman in (blue) bikini.....................SHORT RED PILLAR Woman with Imp-head........................SHORT RED PILLAR WITH SKULL Snowman....................................SKULLTOP POLE Head of dead reindeer......................HEAD SHISKEBOB Beheaded dead santa claus in chair.........CANDELABERA ByteBrothers will not be held responisble for any mistakes in this list.