Elated PageKits

"PageKits" follow on from ButtonKits and ActionKits. They are NEW, FREE, and rather special in that we provide all the code and images you need to get started with a great page.
We have provided these in Zip format for you to download as one file. Mac users can download an unzipper called "Zipit" from here. Some of these are quite complicated framesets of the sort that are changing hands in London for around £50,000. And we're making them for you, and giving them away FREE! We have given you the first stage of a site. If you need any customisation or more work done, talk to us! Read me files are included. We'd love to see what you're doing with these, as so many of you are getting them, so mail us back and tell us! To browse, click on an image below to go to the index page of that PageKit...

NEW!!! FILMSTAR - cool code, cool design. we've done it again!


Link to our site with this rather attractive animated icon!

If you like our free stuff, a link to www.elated.com would be appreciated. Simply copy the icon to your server then paste the following code into your page:

<a href="http://www.elated.com"><img src="images/elated.gif" alt="Elated" width="78" height="32" border="0"></a>

changing "images/elated.gif" to point to the copy of the image on your server.


NEW pagekit! NEW javascript for you here, plus, as requested, a more "homepage" feel. AND it's beautiful!


Night Drive

Dark, mean and moody, the next in the series. On your knees!



A great non frames pagekit with javascript and using one of our own ActionKits for the images!



NEW pagekit! Framed and Strange! Lots of great design and code here!



We got BOTH kinds of design round here, boy! Tech AND No!!!



This one has totally user-definable menus and a kicking bit of ultra modern design on the front end... enjoy!


Online Japery

A very expensive frameset on the open market, this one. These tiny 'sets are great for small browsers if that's a consideration, and are currently very trendy.


t a s t e

Rollover buttons and a beautiful non-framed design make this ultra-modern PageKit a must!



A beautiful space themed and non-framed hompage for your delectation.



Another small frameset, quite grungy and modern.



A strange framed design, again pretty grungy. Good example of using frames as design as much as the more traditional use of navigation.



A striking beast, this one. Bold colour with very modern text use.


If you have any comment on the PageKits pages please email us and give us your opinion. As far as we are aware, no-one is doing this apart from us, and this area will be updated with more free pages regularly.

All artwork on the PageKits is © Elated 1997.