The ELATED PageKits readme for T A S T E.
If you're reading this, well done! So many people would never
The idea behind the PageKits is that you can either use the ideas
here as is, and develop them from our startpoints, or you can
take the bits that you need and customise them for your own use.
Obviously, to make the best use of them you'll need to know some
basic html.
If there is an irrelevent section in the menu, you can just chop
out the offending menu item without destroying the design.
The big thing about T a s t e is the javascript rollovers.
Basically, what it does is replace one image with another as you
roll over and off the button.
In this case it's replacing the 1st image (eg about1.gif) with a
second (eg about2.gif) and then as you roll off it puts the 1st
image back again. They're defined at the top of the page within
the script tag (3 lots for each button) and then implemented
later on with the further horrid code around the image itself.
There you will also find the code to put what the button does in
the lower frame of your browser.
Have a play with it at your peril!
Otherwise, this is all fairly simple stuff. All normal html rules
Good hunting.....
The elated team