Dialog boxes

This is an overview of the dialog boxes you will encounter in Opera. The dialog boxes used for setting preferences are explained under preferences. This file also includes the menu options of the hotlist in lieu of the old hotlist manager.

About Opera tells you which version of Opera you are currently using.
Enter URL directly (Direct Addressing) type in the address you'd like to retrieve documents from.
Nickname for ultra-quick retrieval of your favourite HotList entries.
HotList opens and changes the hierarchical address list. CTRL-M opens the hotlist menu for editing.
Set home is displayed when you wish to change either the window's homepage or the global homepage.
Unknown file type appears when Opera retrieves a file of a type that it cannot itself display, and which is not associated with some action (ie save, show with plugin) via the 'Associate' dialog box.
Locked document displayed when you try to retrieve a file or document that is password protected.
Troubleshooting shown if a problem occurred during the last use of the program.

About Opera

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Here you will see information on which version of Opera you have, plus some additional information on the translation and licencing of other modules for Opera. You are currently using Opera 3.50.

Enter URL directly (Direct Addressing or Open Remote)

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This dialog is used to retrieve documents where you already know the address. The Dialog box opens when you either click on the button showing a yellow pen pointing to a white page, choose 'Open Remote' from the 'Navigation'-menu or press the F2 key.

When the dialog box is displayed, you can type in the address, ie http://www.operasoftware.com and click on the OK button, or use the Return key. In the list box you can also choose one of the addresses you have visited earlier. In addition you can edit the address. You choose yourself how many addresses Opera should remember, by choosing under Generic Preferences in the 'Preferences 'menu.

TIP: You can also access your local hard disk by simply entering C: and pressing [ENTER]. Opera will then display the content of the directories and subdirectories.


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An easy way to quickly load bookmarked documents (HotList entries) is to use the nickname facility. The shortcut for that is SHIFT-F2. When you create a new HotList entry (Ctrl-T), enter a one-character nickname, ie 'n' for your favourite News site, or 's' for your favourite sports site. To retrieve that document, press Shift-F2 and 'n'. Your News Site will then be loaded.

The HotList (Bookmarks)

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Opera has a sophisticated hot list. The hotlist is a plain text file with the extension ".adr", should you wish to back it up (which we warmly recommend).

It features multiple sub-levels, plus various instant sort options. You can also choose to open all bookmarks in a folder at once, or add all open documents as bookmarks to a selected folder.

The hotlist is available from three levels. You can either access it from the 'List' menu, via the 'book' icon on the tool bar (displays only the currently active hotlist) or you can enable the docked hotlist function (CTRL-F2, SHIFT-F7 or CTRL-Click on hotlist icon in the toolbar), so that the docked hotlist becomes visible on the workspace.

The hotlist can either be docked (attached) to the left side of the workspace, or be manually resized and freely positioned on the workspace. In the latter instance, it can either be 'always on top' or be covered by document windows. The hotlist 'status' can be changed by selecting 'View' from the right-mouse button menu.

The Hotlist menu has three top level items that are also displayed on each sub-level popup menu. These items allow you to create bookmarks without having to have the docked hotlist window open. This method is more convenient for those working with the keyboard only and prefer the menu over the window. The three options are:

Add Current Document Here
Adds the currently active document to the selected (sub)list.

Set as Active Folder
The meaning of the 'Active Folder' is that it is accessible via the button bar icon. Remember that CTRL-T adds bookmarks to the currently active hotlist (sub-folder). With the new one, you can now add the bookmark to any folder with just a few clicks or/and mouse movements.

The currently 'Active Folder' is marked with a little red triangular pointer on the left side of the respective hotlist menu item.

Open All Folder Items
Loads all bookmarks (documents) of that particular (sub-) folder in separate windows.

Docked hotlist
The new docked hotlist window is split into two windows. The top one displays the root folder structure; the bottom one displays the items or sub-folders in the currently active (marked) folder of the top window. Click on another parent folder, and see its contents displayed in the bottom window. If the folder has sub-folders, clicking on the [-] or [+] expands or collapses the directory tree. The currently marked folder -- which is automatically the active list appearing on the tool bar -- is displayed in bold. On the menu, the active hotlist has a little red arrow next to it.

Double-click on an entry to open that URL or local document, or mark multiple bookmark items according to the Windows convention using the Shift and Ctrl keys to mark jointed or disjointed items.

Hotlist sorting
The hotlist features some very nifty sorting orders. You can sort the hotlist by clicking on the title bar of the appropriate columns, namely:

  1. Title
  2. Last Visited
  3. Created

This feature has a toggle function. You will notice the small red indicator on the title bar itself. When it points down, the list is sorted from A-Z. When it points up, it is sorted from Z-A. If it shows three horizontal lines, it is not sorted at all. In this case, you can ALT-drag and drop any entry to the location you desire. In this setting (let's call it 'user preferences'), the hotlist entries are sorted according to ....the user's preferences.

The keyboard shortcuts for the three respective columns are ALT-1 (Title), ALT-2 (Last Visited) and ALT-3 (Created). Pressing them more than once cycles the column through the three sort options.

Docked hotlist-specific properties menu
You can also use the right mouse button (RMB) to open the hotlist-specific menu. This menu has the following options:

If you right-click on a folder in the top window and press on 'Get', it will open all folder items in that folder. If you press on it in the bottom window, only the currently selected item will be retrieved.

Add Current
Adds the currently active document to the currently selected (and therefore automatically active) (sub)folder. A dialog box will open, asking you for some details. The nickname field is explained below.

Add All
Adds all open documents to the selected folder.

Cuts a folder entry to the clipboard for pasting to another location

Copies a folder entry to the clipboard for pasting to another location

Pastes a cut or copied hotlist entry into the selected folder

Deletes the selected folder entry or entries. You can select more than one entry by using the Shift or Ctrl-key on the keyboard.

Select All
Selects either all folders if you are in the top window or all folder items if you are in the bottom window.



Accessed via the Hotlist Menu or by pressing ALT-ENTER while highlighting the hotlist item, a dialog box opens allowing you to modify the properties of this item (bookmark). You can change the description, the URL, give the bookmark a nickname for quick access and even enter a description for the item.

If you right-click anywhere on the border of the docked hotlist, a menu will open, giving you the following options:

Tip: You can resize the 'Title' and 'Last Visited' fields by clicking on and dragging the line between the two headers. This way you will read more of the 'Title' and less of the 'Last Visited'.

This feature (called up via SHIFT-F2) allows you to access bookmarks with only a few keystrokes. This is particularly useful for handicapped users.

It works as follows: when you add a bookmark, Opera asks you some details pertaining the title, nickname, URL and notes. Let's say your 'Alta Vista' Search Engine bookmark entry has the nickname 'a'. If you now press SHIFT-F2 and press 'a', Opera will retrieve that bookmark with only two keystrokes.

Set home

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You can set different home pages for different windows. This is done by accessing the Navigation entry on the menu bar, and then by clicking on 'Set Home'. The following options will be available to you:

Window Home
The local homepage for the active window. You can have one for each window.

Global home
The global homepage which is loaded when the active window does not have its own homepage, and you click on the home button.

Unknown file type

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When Opera comes across a file whose 'type' has not been associated with an action or another application via 'Preferences/Associate', this dialog box will show up. You can then decide what you would like to do with this file. In most cases, you are likely to save it on your hard disk, and open it with another application.

Unknown file type - type
Here is displayed what type of file is concerned if the type is known.

Unknown file type - view with
Here you can choose an external program to display the file. You can click on the 'Browse' button to search for a program. When you have found the program, you choose 'Display with' to see the file.

Unknown file type - button
With Opera - display the file in Opera. If the file type is unknown , the file will display as text..

Save - save the file to disk.
Associate - change the association for the file type, so that it is either displayed with a particular program, or saved.
Help - display this help file.
Cancel - cancel the download.

Locked document

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This dialog box opens when you try to retrieve a protected document. You must type in a user name and password to gain access. Take care that this is not your normal user name and password. You should not use the same name and password for different services.

Problem Dialog

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Note: This window is displayed upon startup if Opera didn't exit properly the previous time.

Opera is configured to be fast and efficient. This requires that the underlying communications software is fully compliant with the winsock standard and that it is able to handle multiple connections simultaneously. With most winsock implementations this is not a problem, but some implementations are somewhat incomplete or unable to handle the load. In the worst case this will lead to a program crash. Then next time you start Opera, Opera will show this dialog. If the problem is infrequent, you can probably just press 'cancel' and continue. If not, you can try out some of the settings and see if that helps. If it does, you should save these settings in the advanced settings dialog (just open it and select 'OK').

NB: Most of the changes will lead to slower net access.

Do Not Load Documents at Startup - This choice enables you to start Opera without fetching any documents. You can then do any necessary changes to the advanced settings and thus solve the problem. This choice is needed if Opera will not start due to problems with the communications software. You may, however, also select any of the choices below. That may cure the problem as well.

Minimize number of simultaneous connections - Opera will by default fetch a great number of documents and images at the same time. Some communications programs (winsock) are unable to handle this. If this is a problem, you can reduce the number of simultaneous connections. This setting reduces the number of connections to 4. This setting is normally set in the advanced settings.

Minimize network buffer size - Some implementations of winsock require a certain size for a network buffer. This choice sets the size of the buffer to 1 kb. This setting is normally set in the advanced settings.

Synchronous DNS - Some implementations of winsock do not have support for asynchronous DNS (convention from names of machines to numbers). Changing this setting will make Opera work with these implementations.

If you are using Compuserve, you will probably have to enable Synchronous DNS.