Main Window

The main window consists of a menu line, button bar, workspace with document windows and a status line.

Click on the elements in the picture or links above for more information.


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Most functions in the program can be reached from the menus, by using the mouse or keyboard.

Button bar

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The button bar provides fast access to the most used functions. When the mouse pointer is placed on a button in the button bar, you see information in the status line explaining what the button does. You can turn this function on or off, see preferences.

You can also choose how sophisticated and comprehensive the button bar should be - whether you should just have the most important functions, or additional useful buttons.

Button bar - New
Click on this button to open a new, empty window. The cursor will be placed in the status bar for you to enter a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), ie

Button bar - Open
Click on this button to retrieve a file from disk. Opera can display HTML files and text files saved to disk. In addition, it can also display all file types associated to so-called plugins.

TIP: A nifty way of opening files is to drag them from any file manager onto the Opera workspace.

Button bar - Save

Click on this button to save the document in the active window to disk. Opera will save the document in htm format so that you can later load it from disk.

TIP: If you want to save the page and all the images of that page, select SAVE PAGE AND IMAGES from the FILE menu.

Button bar - Print

Click on this button to print out the document in the active window.

TIP: You can also select parts of the text and only print this, which will save you a lot of paper.

Button bar - Copy

Click on this button to copy marked text. The text can be pasted into a text editor. In order to perform this you must first mark text in the document window or in the address field at the bottom of the document window.

Button bar - Search
Click on this button to search in the active window for text or a word. You can search both up and down, and the search will continue to the end of the document.

Button bar - Previous
Click on this button to browse backwards in the document window's history.  

TIP: You can determine the depth of the history in Generic Preferences.

Button bar - Reload

Click on this button to re-read the document in the active document window. The shortcuts for it are F5 or CTRL-R. Alternatively, you can also use the right mouse button.

Button bar - Next
Click on this button to browse forward in the document window's history.

Button bar - Home
Click on this button to retrieve the document which has been selected as the homepage. If a homepage has been defined for the local window, it will be displayed. If not, the global homepage will be displayed. You can set homepages by choosing 'Set home' in the 'Navigate' menu.

Button bar - Direct
Click on this button to type in the address for a document to be retrieved. You can also type the address directly into the address field in a window. Whichever method you use, the document will be displayed in a new window, if 'New window with direct addressing' has been selected in the General Preferences. Otherwise the document will be displayed in the active window, or another window if the active window is occupied.

Button bar- List
Click on this button to open the currently active sub-folder of the hotlist. The top menu entries provide functionality for adding and retrieving bookmarks.

Button bar - Tile
Click on this button to place the document windows so that they can all be displayed without overlapping each other. It is possible to configure the program so that this is done automatically, i.e. that space is made for new windows. This option is set in the Generic Preferences.

TIP: If you want to open new windows in the background, you will have to DISABLE 'Automatic Window Tile' in Generic Preferences, otherwise any new window opened will cause a retiling of the open windows, which is rather annoying.

Button bar - Cascade

Click on this button to position the document windows so that they overlap each other in a cascading form.

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The workspace contains the document windows. All HTML documents are displayed there after retrieval. You can have multiple document windows open at the same time, maximize and minimize windows and arrange them.

Status Line

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The status line is used to display information on the address a link is connected to, and about the buttons and menus. The status line can be displayed above or below the main window. The status line can also be removed and you can use the help function as you need. When the status line is at the bottom a clock can also be displayed, depending on your settings in Preferences.