TIP: If you have accidentally disabled your menu (made it invisible), CTRL+F11 will bring it back..
File | menu for loading, saving and printing. |
Edit | menu for copying and free text search. |
View | menu for configuring windows, showing the docked hotlist, and display of source files. |
Navigation | menu for navigating and setting home pages. |
Lists | displays the hotlist (address list) folders and items. |
access to mail window functions. | |
News | access to discussion group window functions. |
Preferences | menu for program setup, preferences and customization options. |
Window | menu for arranging windows, accessing the cache, history or plugin list, choosing the active window and for displaying new windows. |
Help | help menu. |
In addition there are Popup menus and
context-sensitive menus. These are available
when you click on the right mouse button in a document window, on a
graphic on a
link or on a hotlist
New | to display a new, empty window. |
Open | to read a file from disk. Opera can display htm files and text files that have been saved to disk. |
Close | to close the active window. |
Save as | to save the document in the active window to disk. Opera saves documents in htm format so that you can re-load them later. |
Save Page and Images as... | to save the document including the images in a directory of your choice. The images will be renamed in real and in the document to be able to retrieve them at a later stage. |
to print out a document from the active window. | |
Print Setup | to change the printer setup, choose a printer, etc. |
Print Scale and Margins | to change the scaling and margins when printing out. Opera can scale documents from 20-400% of the original print size. |
Offline Browse Mode | to prevent Opera from trying to access live addresses. Will access cached documents only. |
Exit | to exit Opera. |
Cut | to clip out marked text from a text field. You cannot clip text from the document window. The text can be pasted into a word processor. |
Copy | to copy marked text. The text can be pasted in using a text editor. To be able to do this you must first mark text in the document window or in the address field at the bottom of the document window |
Paste | to paste in previously copied or cut text. The text can be pasted into a text field, not the document window. |
Delete | to delete marked text. Once text has been deleted it cannot be pasted in later. Text can only be deleted from a text field, not the document window. |
Select All | to select (mark) all text in the document. You can then copy the text and paste it into another application for further processing. |
Find on page | is used to search in the active window for text or words. You can search up and down, and the search will continue to the end of the document. |
Load All Images | to retrieve and display all the graphics in a document, useful if graphics loading has been turned off. |
Menu | to turn off menus. Can be turned on again with CTRL+F11. |
Docked Hotlist | to show/hide the docked hotlist for managing your Opera bookmarks. The keyboard shortcut for this option is CTRL-F2. |
Button Bar | to choose the type of button bar you'd like to have displayed. |
Status Bar | to choose the position of the status line. This can be at the top or bottom of the window, or turned off. If the status line is at the bottom of the window Opera displays a clock in the right hand corner. |
Scroll Bars | To turn the scroll bar on or off for a document window. You can scroll the text without a scroll bar by using the keyboard. |
Progress Bar | to turn on/off progress information and history list for a document window. You can browse history even if you remove the history list. You do this by using the navigation menu, popup menus or by using the keyboard |
Local Button Bar | to turn on/off a local button bar (subject groups can have local button bars). |
Source | View the document in the active window in source format (htm). 'Write' is used by default to display the document, but you can specify your own editor if you so wish. This can be done in Advanced preferences. The shortcut for this action is Ctrl-F3. |
Frame Source | View the document in the active frame in source format (htm). Write is used to display the document if nothing else is specified in Advanced preferences The keyboard shortcut for this is ALT-F3. |
Full Screen | Removes the title bar. This is not a kiosk mode without any UI gadgetry. Your button, menu and other bars will still be displayed. The keyboard shortcut for this is F11. |
Previous | to browse backwards through the active document window's history. |
Next | to browse forwards in the active document window's history. |
Reload | to re-read the document in the active document window. |
Reload Frame | to re-read the active frame rather than the entire document. |
Reload All | to reload all currently open documents. |
Stop | to stop loading into the active document window. |
Home | to retrieve the document chosen as a homepage. If a homepage has been defined for the local window, this will be displayed, otherwise you will see the global homepage. You can set homepages by choosing 'Set homepage' in the Navigate menu, or in the default context sensitive menu. |
Set Home | to set the homepage for a window or globally. |
Open Remote | to type in the address of a document to be retrieved. You can also do this directly in the address field in a window. Whichever way you do it the document will be displayed in a new window, if you have chosen 'new window with direct addressing under 'General Preferences', otherwise it will be in the active window, or another window if the active window is occupied. |
Add active to Hotlist | to add the document in the active window to the address list for quick retrieval. |
The List menu has three top level items that are also displayed on each sub-level popup menu.
Add Current Document Here | Adds the currently active document to the selected (sub)list. |
Set as Active Folder | The meaning of the 'Active Folder' is that it is accessible via the button
bar icon. Also, CTRL-T adds bookmarks to the currently active folder
The currently 'Active Folder' is marked with a little red triangular pointer on the left side of the respective hotlist menu item or is in shown with an 'open' folder icon and in bold in the docked hotlist. |
Open All Folder Items | Loads all bookmarks (documents) of that particular (sub)folder in separate windows. |
New | Opens a new mail window |
Send | to send a mail message. This supposes that the mail window is active and that you have specified an addressee for the message. |
Include | to include an article you reply to in a mail message. This is valid for replies to messages in subject groups (news groups). |
New | s Opens a new "news window" |
Previous Article | Displays the previous article in a subject group. This function is available in the article and group window. |
Next Article | Display the next article in a subject group. This function is available in the article and group window. |
Reply | Reply to an article. The article text can be included using the mail window 'include' function. This function is available in the article and group window. |
Follow-up | Follow up an article in a subject group. The article text can be included using the mail window 'include' function. This function is available in the article and group window. |
Forward | Forward an article. This function is available in the article and group window. |
Post | Post a new message. |
Catchup | This function makes it quick to mark all articles in a subject group as read. It is then easier to spot new messages and faster to load the group next time. This function is available in the group and group list window. |
Mark As Read | Mark the active article or a number of marked articles as read. Articles can be marked by holding down CONTROL and clicking on them or by holding down SHIFT and clicking on an article. Then all articles between this article and the last one marked, are marked. This function is available in the article and group window. |
Mark As Unread | Mark the active article or a number of marked articles as unread. The articles can be marked by holding down CONTROL and clicking on them or by holding down SHIFT and clicking on an article. All the articles between this and the last marked will be marked. This function is available in the article and group window. |
List Old Articles | Choose either to list all articles in a group, even old ones, or only those which are unread. |
List All Groups | Choose either to show all groups or only those subscribed to. |
Show Threads | Choose to display or not the connections between messages, which messages are replies to which. |
This menu has a separate section in this help file. Please click
New Window | displays a new, empty document window for reading documents. The shortcut is Ctrl-N. |
New Mail Window | displays a new empty mail window, or -- depending on your settings -- switches over to your external mail program. |
New News Window | displays a new news window. |
New Search Window | Search the Net with various search engines |
Special Window | Opens a submenu for quick access to Opera's special windows, ie
Clone window | to create a copy of the active window with the same document loaded and the same history. |
Cascade | places document windows so that they overlap each other. |
Tile | places document windows so that all are seen without overlap. It is possible to set this up so that it happens automatically when new windows are created. This is done in General Preferences. |
Arrange Icons | puts all icons (minimized document windows) at the bottom of the main window. |
Close All | closes all document, post and news windows, and present a clean Opera workspace. |
Minimize All | minimizes and arrange all windows at the bottom of the Opera window. |
There can be a varying number of options after this, depending on whether
you have any windows open at that moment. Each option activates the corresponding
document window.
Contents | to see a list of contents in Opera help. |
Keyboard commands | to see how you can use the keyboard efficiently with Opera. |
Register Opera | Opens a dialog box that allows you to enter your registration code. |
Mail to Opera | We are looking forward to hearing from you! |
Opera on the Web | opens a submenu to go to the home page, support page or registration page. The registration page option differs from the above 'Register Opera' option insofar as it's there to send in your registration details. The 'Register Opera' option is used once you have received your registration code from us. |
About Opera | for information on the version of Opera you are currently using, and some more information pertaining to your local PC and Opera installation. |
You can activate context-sensitive menus in Opera by clicking on the right mouse button in a document. You will see different menus depending where you click. For example you will have one menu in a graphic, another if you are on a link, and so on. If you click on a graphic that is also a link you will see a combined menu.
The options in the menu will depend on what type of element you have clicked on, e.g. in the graphic menu you can choose to save or copy the graphic.
The hotlist window has also got a right-click popup window with various options
to add folders, delete bookmarks, open files and import other bookmarks,
Normal menu
Graphic menu
Link menu
Hotlist menu
Popup normal menu
This menu is displayed when you click with the right mouse button in an area
of a document window that is neither a graphic nor a link.
Previous | to browse backwards in the document window's history. |
Next | to browse forwards in the document window's history. |
Reload | to re-read the document in the document window. |
Stop | to stop loading into the document window. |
Home | to retrieve the document selected to be the homepage. If one has been defined for the local window, it will be displayed, otherwise you will see the global homepage. You can set homepages in the 'Navigate' menu. |
Copy | to copy the marked text to the clipboard. |
Duplicate window | to display a new document window with the same history and contents as the window you clicked in. |
Close window (CTRL-W) | to quickly close the currently active window. |
Copy document address | to copy the document's address. You can then paste it into another program for reference. |
Add document to hot list | to add the document to the address list for fast access. |
Display... | to redirect output (i.e when you click a link) from one window to another.
This menu opens a submenu with two options:
If you want to redirect the links from one document window to another, you would first activate your base document and then select the first option. Then switch to your target window and select the second option. In practice this means that you could redirect all links from a search engine listing to one unitary window without 'destroying' the search engine results. This option is suitable if you don't want to open new windows all the time when clicking on a number of links from the search engine window. |
Frame | View Source - enables you to inspect raw htm-codes for the current
frame Save As... - saves the current frame document to your local disk Add to Hot List - adds the current frame to the Hot List Copy Address - copy address to the clipboard Reload - reloads the current frame Load All Images - when the "automatic loading of images" button is off. Maximize - opens the frame source as a standalone document. |
Background | A lot of documents has a tiled image beneath the text. This submenu gives
you easy access to those images.
Reload - reloads the background |
This menu is displayed when you click with the right mouse button on a link in the document window. If you click on a graphic that is also a link you will see a combination of this menu and the Graphics menu.
Get link document | load document and display it |
Get link document new window | load document and display in a new window. |
Add link document to the hot list | add the associated document to the address list. |
Copy Link Address | copy the associated document's address |
Save Link Document As... | saves the document 'behind' the link onto your local disk |
Link Presentation | change the way links are displayed. |
This menu is displayed when you click with the right mouse button on a graphic
in the document window. If you click on a graphic that is also a link, you
will see a combination of this menu and the link
menu. There are 4 options in the menu:
Show Images | to load the graphic and display it. |
Copy Image | to copy the graphic to a clipboard so that you can paste it into another program. |
Save Image | to save the graphic to disk in its current format. |
Copy Image Address | copy the graphic's address. |
This menu is displayed when you click with the right mouse button on the
docked or floating hotlist window.
Get | If you click on a folder in the top window and press on 'Get', it will open all folder items in that folder. If you press on it in the bottom window, only the currently selected item will be retrieved. |
Add Current | Adds the currently active document to the currently selected folder, not necessarily the currently active hotlist. |
Add All | Adds all open documents to the selected folder. |
Cut | Cuts a folder entry to the clipboard for pasting to another location |
Copy | Copies a folder entry to the clipboard for pasting to another location |
Paste | Pastes a cut or copied hotlist entry into the selected folder |
Delete | Deletes the selected folder entry or entries. You can select more than one entry by using the Shift or Ctrl-key on the keyboard. |
Select All | Selects either all folders if you are in the top window or all folder items if you are in the bottom window. |
New |
File |