Canvas Menu

The canvas of a project should be considered as your work space. More intuitive is to consider that the visible zone of your image -- that is the canvas -- is what will remain when you flatten the image. The method WYSYWIG (What you see is what you get.) applies perfectly to this command. Thus you have to be very careful not to forget what is outside the canvas boundaries when your dealing with objects !

The Canvas Size command lets you add or remove work space, or extra canvas area, around an existing image. You increase the canvas area by specifying the height and width you want the canvas to be. But you can also enter a predefined format for your working space by selecting it in the Format drawer.

inside_photonyx.jpg (1501 octets)

You can also use the Canvas Size command to crop an image by decreasing the canvas area. If you use the Canvas Size command to crop an image, you might inadvertently lose image data.

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