Pixel Filter Object

inside_photonyx.jpg (1501 octets)

This category gathers a particular kind of objects that are specific for applying corrections and adjustments to the current selection which could be an object, a selection outline or the whole project.

They work exactly the same way has the Adjust Colors filters you can find in the filter command menu.

  • Open the Object > Create menu and choose New Pixel Filter (Shift + Ctrl + P)
  • This displays the New Pixel Filter dialogbox where you can selected through a variety of pixel filter objects.

  • The Name field displays the currently selected filter, when ok ... press OK.

Once selected some of them display a small window that enables you to make real time adjustments while some others are directly applied.

Click on the upper image map to get more info about each filter, but don't get astonished if you don't find info about the one you want. This list is supposed to grow with the adjunction of new plugins. Each time you add a plugins to Photonyx you'll make it appear in the effect menu as well as in the New Pixel Filter options feaqtured in the drawer you see right up here.

Using a pixel filter to adjust an object is much more powerful than applying an adjustment filter directly on the object because you can use the different blending modes as well as the transparency level slider to match exactly the results you wish!

Example of Pixel Filters