View Menu

The view menu gathers the zooming options and allows you to display the palettes.

  • Zoom In/ out / at :

  • Use Zoom In (Ctrl +) or Zoom Out (Ctrl -) to adjust the zoom ratio.
  • Zoom at displays a range of zoom ratios (from (16 : 1) to (1 : 16)) click on the one you want to quickly adjust the zoom ratio to a precise value.

The Zoom control (in the status bar) is much more intuitive and easy to use than this commands


  • Fit on Screen

These option scale the zoom percentage and window size to the largest that can fit on your monitor and still contain the entire image.

Shortcut : Alt + S

  • Actual Pixels

This option is nothing but a shortcut to display an image at 100%. One pixel of the image being displayed by one pixel of the screen.

Shortcut : Alt + A

  • Palettes

This command displays a submenu with a comprehensive list of palettes.

  • If you click on a palette that is closed, this one is open and placed on the workarea.
  • If you click on an open palette, it will be closed.

This submenu provides also a shortcut for docking all the palettes that float on the workarea. Instead of right clicking on all the caption bars and selecting Dock :

  • Choose Dock All to store all the palettes in the Palettes Dock
  • Choose Undock All to Undock all palettes.


  • Full Screen (Space)

  • Choose Full Screen to hide the status bar and both Docks. Great shortcut to have a full screen view on your project!
  • Press Spacebar to restore all.