Move tool

There are two things you may choose to move while working on a photonyx project :

tb_move_s.jpg (1096 octets)Moving one or more objects with the move object tool.


tb_move-s_s.jpg (1026 octets)Moving the selection mask with the move selection tool.



  • Move object

tb_move_s.jpg (1096 octets)Select the move object tool (V). If the currently selected tool is the move selection tool Alt-click on the toolbar or press V key.

You move the current object and all the ones that are linked to it by dragging it to a new location.

You can easily access the move object tool by Ctrl-dragging with all the tools except when the current tool is a selection tool (marquee, free selections or magic wand) in this case ctrl-dragging will call the move selection tool.


Remember that you can do precise movements of 1 pixel increments using the arrows keys or shift + arrow key to do precise movements in 10 pixels increments.

More options in the move tool options palette.


  • Move selection

tb_move-s_s.jpg (1026 octets)Select the move selection tool (V). If the currently selected tool is the move object tool Alt-click on the toolbar or press V key.

Drag it to a new location to displace the selection mask.


More options in the move tool options palette.