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Back in Time

The Sound of SID-ness

From "Edge Magazine", September 1998, p15

So inspired by the scritch-scratchy delights of 1980s Commodore 64 game music was Chris Abbott that he got off his arse and decided to drag it into the '90s. It has taken him and various cohorts two man-years worth of work, but his labour of love has surfaced in the form of 'Back in Time', a CD containing just over 70 minutes of remixed SID-chip tuneage. The tracklisting reads thus:

Delta '97 (Hubbard), Rambo - First Blood Part 2 (Galway), Sanxion (Hubbard), Thing on a Spring (Hubbard), Parallax (Galway), Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Daglish/Hubbard), Mutants (Gray), Great Giana Sisters (Huelsbeck), Monty '97 (Hubbard), Arkanoid (Galway), Ocean Loading Theme (Clarke), Wizball (Galway), To Be On Top (Huelsbeck), Crazy Comets '97 (Hubbard), Delta Victory (Hubbard)

A quick spin of the disc in the Edge office elicited various responses along the lines of "Oooh, I recognise that, no, don't tell me, I know it...", as it surely will to any crusty 8-bit game fan. Of the 15 tracks, standouts include Fred Gray's chilled "Mutants", Martin Galway's inspired "Wizball" and "Parallax" themes, and, naturally, Rob Hubbard's seminal Sanxion loading music. What happened to Tim Follin's work though? Maybe a second volume will address the anomaly.

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