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The CD is copyright of, and was produced by High Technology Publishing Ltd. 1997.
"All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorised copying hiring renting public performance and broadcasting of this record prohibited."
OK. Here's the deal. It took me about a year and a half to produce this CD, and thousands and thousands of man-hours. Not only producing the music, but artwork, legal negotiations, doing this website, etc, etc. It also cost me money invested in equipment and in paying the composers up front for the right to use their work.
The original composers of the work get paid for every CD you buy. If you pirate the CD, or distribute MPEGs of it, you might just was well creep up behind Rob Hubbard and nick money off him. Also, if you want to see further CDs, you need to support the people who are willing to bring you the music at a high quality, at a reasonable price.
We have taken all efforts to make it easy for you to order the CD. It's not a great big record company you're ripping off here: every copy counts. We've made the CD affordable for you, so if you like C64 music, buy a copy. Then everyone benefits. We've even gone to the trouble of giving you lots of free MPEGs on this website so you can try out the quality of our work before buying.
Terms and Conditions of Sale of the CD can be downloaded here. We've got to say all this stuff: it's illegal (at least in the UK) to sell things to the public without making available terms and conditions of sale. It's a good idea since the world is getting more and more litigious.
Again, a lot of effort went into this: all the images were created specially by me (except the screenshots, obviously). Nothing from this site should be used for commercial purposes: if you want a MIDI or MPEG file from the site, and want to use it, fine, as long as you put in a prominent link to this site wherever material is displayed.
The Non-CD MPEGs and MIDIs are supplied to you without the official permission or sanction of the composers, software houses or authors: rest assured, if any complain about any of these files, they will be removed. The CD MPEGs have been approved by the original authors and/or software houses.
It is my belief that making the tracks available on this site that are not quite "CD" material (in MPEG and MIDI) aids and assists the C64 scene generally, and gives people a lot of pleasure. It also gives me a lot of pleasure, since I love this stuff. I feel exactly the same about the HVSC SID collection: it's these guys who have kept the scene alive and organised, and provided a really good service to me in my endeavours. Thanks, guys.
Feedback? Mail us if you have any comments, questions or feedback.