ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Ί Ί DoomShell V4.1 Ί Ί 03-02-95 Ί Ί (C) by Ruud van Gaal Ί Ί Ί Ί Music by Jan-Willem Korver Ί Ί Ί Ί For Doom I 1.666+/II/Heretic Ί Ί Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί INTRODUCTION Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ DoomShell is a program created to take the hassle out of the parameter- jungle which Doom and Doom II offer. It was born out of frustation over those programs which offer this kind of support, but use an interface which is just not acceptable anymore in these days of virtual cyberspace. This program was devised with the hasty user in mind, and will hopefully revive your interest in all the possibilities that Doom has to offer. The program currently handles the Doom I (V1.666+), II and 'Heretic' versions of Doom. The program automatically detects which Doom is used (simply by checking whether some files exists), and adjusts the possible choices here and there. DoomShell is NOT a product of id Software and thus will not be supported by them in any way. You may copy it freely across the world if you include at least all 4 files mentioned in the installation chapter below. Yes, that means it is public domain, although the program remains copyright of the creator, Ruud van Gaal. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί INSTALLATION Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ The DoomShell files should be unzipped right into your game installation directory (so no CD-ROM support, yet). You must have the registered version (if you don't, just go out to a store and BUY one; we wouldn't want ID to delay new Doom versions just because it wasn't worth the effort!). As an example, suppose you have installed Doom II in C:\DOOM2. Just type: C: CD \DOOM2 PKUNZIP \DOOMSHEL.ZIP PKUnzip (2.04g) is freely available across the globe, so this shouldn't be a Q. The following files are supplied: DOOMSHEL.EXE - The one-time selection program (spawns Doom) DOOMSHEL.INI - Configuration file to memorize the results of your clicks. DOOMSHEL.PCX - Intro picture DOOMSHEL.XMI - Music DOOMSHEL.TXT - This file (how about that!) SHELL .BAT - A small batchfile which you should run from now on instead of DOOM.exe or DOOM2.exe MIDPAK .AD - General MIDI patches (c) 1994 The Fat Man and K. Weston Phelan GENMID .ADV - General Midi driver SBFM .ADV - SoundBlaster FM driver MIDPAK .COM - CMOS clock Midi driver The following files will be created at one time or another, and should not be included in a distribution package. DOOMSHEL.CFG - Configuration file; music settings etc. DOOMSHEL.MDM - Modem file containing all modem information. Will be created from MODEM.STR automatically when first used. The list will be ordered. DOOMSHEL.RSP - Response file which is created when starting a game. It is a normal Doom response file. DOOMSHEL.WDB - The WAD database DOOMSHEL.___ - Temporary filename, used here & there. MIDPAK .ADV - MIDI driver (copied from GENMID.ADV or SBFM.ADV) The following (existing) Doom files will be adjusted by DoomShell: DEFAULT.CFG - This file contains the chat texts. After you click OK in the Chat Macros dialog, the file is modified (quite safely). No assumptions are made to the contents of the file, except for the existence of the macro-lines. MODEM.CFG - This file contains the current modem configuration. After clicking Save in the 'Setup modem' dialog, this file is written. If you can run Doom, you should also be able to run DoomShell. This means: o 80386 or higher required o VGA required o 1Mb of RAM required o MS-DOS 5.0 or higher is recommended (as is a 486DX2-66 and 8Mb RAM) ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί WHAT IT DOESN'T DO Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ After having installed DoomShell in your Doom directory, the only thing you should normally run from that time on, is SHELL.BAT. DoomShell doesn't setup your hardware; this you should do using SETUP.EXE. You can run it through the button marked 'Run SETUP'. Don't 'Save & Run Doom' from within SETUP; just save and quit to the DoomShell. The -config parameter has not been implemented because of lack of usability (who uses it anyway). There are also some switches which are not described in the official documentation that id Software supplies, like -left and -right for extra side views when using a network. These have not been implemented, to insure better compatibility with current and future versions. Hasn't anybody learned about using undocumented MS-DOS calls? It's persistent use has made MS-DOS the messy garbage it is today (not too mention the impossible compatibility issues programs like Dr-Dos have had to overcome). Also, no TCP/IP support is given. Perhaps when this will be integrated into the Doom package, I will follow. Or perhaps if I get some response of people in the world that really want this feature. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί HINTS & TIPS Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ - If you use some kind of IPX network driver, you can modify SHELL.BAT to automatically startup the necessary drivers. This will avoid forgetting to start them yourself. Just insert your lines at the top of the file. - Register your Doom version. These guys deserve to be millionaires. - You can make screenshots (.PCX) by turning on the development checkbutton; pressing F1 inside Doom will then create a screenshot file in the current directory (DOOM??.PCX). - In the map view, you can see the player start locations. Green locations are normal player starts, red locations are deathmatch starting points. - When creating your own WADs, be sure to save them as PWADs, not as IWADs! I have seen some IWADs, which Doom sadly accepts as PWADs. This forces me to support this 'feature'. An IWAD is used for an initial WAD (DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD); a PWAD is a patch-wad, and every WAD ever created by non-ID people should probably be PWADs. - Be sure to regularly check for new versions of DoomShell (see below for a BBS number). You might miss something great! - If you don't feel like strategic play, you can always use these cheatcodes while inside Doom I or II. Here's a quick list: IDDQD - God mode IDKFA - Add all weapons, maximum ammunition, keys, 200% armor IDFA - Like IDKFA, but you don't get the keys. IDCLIP - Doom II. No impassable walls. Is IDSPISPOPD in Doom I. IDSPISPOPD - Doom I. No impassable walls. Is IDCLIP in Doom I. IDCLEVxy - Jump to level xy IDMYPOS - Shows your position IDCHOPPERS - You've got the chainsaw! IDBEHOLD - Shows a small menu to add/toggle some useful items R=Anti-radiation suit I=Invisibility V=Invulnerability A=Computer map L=Light amplification visors S=Berserk mode IDDT - While in map view, use this to cycle through some map modes (normal, all items, all items+objects) - The following cheat codes can be used for Heretic: RAVMAP - Map (compare IDDT in Doom) QUICKEN - Turns on God mode RAMBO - Get all weapons GIMME - Get artifact (A-J) (1-9) RAVSKEL - Get all keys KITTY - Clipping mode (compare IDCLIP/IDSPISPOPD in Doom) ENGAGE - Level Warp (IDCLEV) PONCE - Boost health SHAZAM - Power up mode MASSACRE - Kills all monsters on level COCKADOODLEDOO - Turns yourself into a chicken (nice!) TICKER - turns on/off devparm mode ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί THE WAD DATABASE Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Since version 3.0, a very handy WAD database is part of the package. This lets you keep a list of your favourite WADs, containing useful information on each of them. The database will grow as you select and use WAD files. When you run Doom using a WAD file, DoomShell will automatically notice this upon return and allow you to insert the WAD into the database. From then on, you can call up the database by clicking on the '?' right behind the WAD file requester gadget (External WAD file). You can edit the WAD specifications after having run them by pressing SPACE in the database list. Using DEL you can also delete them. The list is kept ordered alphabetically. You can speedsearch through the list by pressing a letter or digit. The dialog you see when editing an existing WAD record, or entering a new WAD record, consists of some editable, and some non-editable data fields. You can give the WAD file a handy description, to relieve your brains. You can also give the WAD a rating from 0 to 10, and a difficulty level from 0 to 10. Hereby, see 0 as Bad/Easy, and 10 as Fantastic/Really Tough. You can check/uncheck the 'Single player', 'Cooperative' and 'Deathmatch' checkboxes to indicate one or more preferred playing modes (a WAD file with no monsters at all will have only the 'Deathmatch' box checked). Underneath these 'Characteristics' you see some information about the usage and filename (to aid you in retrieving the WADs you like). The database list uses a compressed view of the actual records. A typical line will look somewhat like this: MYWAD r0 S.D d0 4-1-95 1h23m 1x E2M1+ My first WAD-file. The information you see is: - MYWAD The WAD name (no extension or path) - r0 Rating - S.D Single player, Cooperative and Deathmatch flags. Each flag is abbreviated by its first letter. So .CD would mean Cooperative and Deathmatch checked. - d0 Difficulty level - 4-1-95 Last date you played the WAD - 1h23m Total playing time (seconds are not displayed) - 1x The number of times you played the WAD - E2M1+ The level that the WAD file modifies. The '+' sign is added if the WAD file contains more than 1 level (they are mostly contiguous). - My first WAD-file. The description I hope this will aid you in understanding the structure of the database. Really, this is one of the finer features in DoomShell, in my personal opinion. For large databases, using SMARTDRV or a 486DX2-66 helps (I think Doom II even requires a 486DX2-66 to play nice). ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί TROUBLESHOOTING Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Although I did my very best to keep the code clean & simple, you may be that lucky sob that unravels a tiny flaw in the semantic or syntactic flow of DoomShell. I would be glad if you told me about it. At the end of this file you can see where to send your (e)mail. Ofcourse, any suggestions regarding any part of this tool (future enhancements) are welcome. Also, if you see or think you see a BETTER DoomShell than this one, I would be thankful if you mailed me about it; keeps the competition going! Here's a troubleshooting list: Q: I am not able to select any options, since I don't have a mouse pointer. A: DoomShell requires a mouse driver to be installed and running. Make sure your mouse is activated. Q: Whenever I try to start a game, I receive a 'Bad command or file name' error. A: DoomShell must be installed into your Doom directory (C:\DOOM for example). If not, it will not be able to start Doom. Q: I sometimes get a message stating 'According...you have playing the same WAD for over 4 hours...'. What is it for? A: The time you use a WAD is calculated by comparing the time of starting Doom to the time you quit Doom. The 4 hour limit is a protection for people who just leave Doom hanging on and on, while not actually using the WAD file. This message is used to find out whether you are really such a fanatic that you run the same WAD file for more than 4 hours continuously, or that you just left it hanging on. If you don't want to record the time-lapse, just click Cancel. Otherwise, click Continue (you might then consider having other hobby's as well). Q: Can I get a map view of my 2nd external WAD file? A: No, you can't. For the database and map view features, the first WAD is taken to be the main WAD. If you use more than 1 WAD, specify the WAD with the level-modifications as the 1st external WAD file. That way, you'll store the correct name into the database, and you are able to use the 'View Map' option on your WAD. Q: The first time I ran DoomShell, it requested my music configuration. I stated I have a SoundBlaster at 220h and proceeded. Now I own a RAP-10 and wish to use this MUCH better soundcard for the DoomShell. How can I set the music configuration once again? A: Type 'DOOMSHEL -s' from the DOS prompt (the -s is case-sensitive!), and you will be prompted for your music card. Q: When I run DoomShell under Windows, it hangs. A: It is said that the MIDPAK CMOS-timer-based driver doesn't function correctly under Windows. Doesn't matter, cause you shouldn't run Doom and thus the DoomShell from within Windows. Quit to DOS! Q: When I try to view a map from episode 2 or 3, the program says it can't find it in the WAD file? A: Either you run the DoomShell from the wrong directory, or you have a shareware version of the game, which doesn't contain the levels. Q: Do I still have to keep my savegame editor? A: Well, no. The cheat codes should be enough to keep you happy and alive while playing. The DoomShell will never contain a savegame editor, for the very obvious reason that what you effectively want to do is exactly the same as using the cheat codes. Period. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί MISCELLANEOUS Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Hurrah for id Software for creating such a cutting-edge-of-technology 3D program! Hopefully we'll see more, and perhaps also some variations using the same graphics engine, which are perhaps attractive to those people on Earth who don't play Doom because of the agressiveness. Raycasting to the people! If you like this utility and want to support the creation of updates for any new features and/or Doom III (!), then it would be most helpful if you aid the author by making a cheque of $10 US payable to the following account number:, RaboBank Breukelen, Holland. DoomShell was written using C, and compiled using Borland C++ 4.5. The user interface is something I use for most of my projects, which perhaps explains its quite developed look. The DoomShell source code is about 115K in size (excluding the user-interface, font, mouse and database functions). The picture was created using LightWave v3.5 on an Amiga 4000 (they still exist). It was created by Jan-Willem Korver. The music was written by Jan-Willem Korver as well, using a Sound Canvas SC-88 and Cubase (running under Windows). Thanks must go to Matt Fell for his Doom-specs, which enabled me to write a small map viewer. Credits go to John W. Ratcliff and John Miles (from Miles Design), who created the MIDPAK (and DIGPAK) driver set, which I could use to get some music. The Rise of the Triad is a Doom-alike program, which uses the same WAD file format (although the contents have changed). Its controls and setup are mainly done from within the program, so a ROTT shell is quite unlikely to ever see the light. 'Heretic' is a game based on the Doom environment engine. Personally, I think it doesn't match the original game, thus support for it will be limited. It's a good thing it uses the Doom v1.666+ command-line parameter set. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί THE FUTURE Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ As with all programs, the list of future enhancements is only obstructed by time, creativity and ethics. Care must be taken not to overflow the user with options that damage the program in its goal to be a DoomShell, and not a multi-megabyte monstrous program, which does everything from word-processing to neural network game movement analysis (well, perhaps that would be nice!). However, there are certainly a few things on the planning board: - A phonebook for the dial gadget in the Serial Setup dialog. This will be a small phonebook, containing names and numbers, plus the ability to edit, add or delete entries. For modem users. - Linked WAD files in the database. Sometimes you need more than 1 WAD file for a level. A link field will make it possible to link up WADs to other WADs. When selecting such a WAD from the database, all linked WADs will be loaded automatically. - 3 external WADs (or perhaps even 4) instead of 2. - Automatic conversion of Doom I/II WAD files to Doom II/I. The problem with this nice thought is that you will need a separate WAD file which imports the missing items from one version to the other. I have in my possession a WAD file which makes it possible to use Doom I WAD files in Doom II. It is, however, about 750K large, and I find it hard to add it to this archive, making a giant leap from about 62K to 800K for the total package. Thus, this feature will probably not be implemented for a while (or perhaps separate the DoomShell package from the needed .WAD file(s)). - The map viewer is ofcourse a source of ideas, like showing vertices, things, secret pieces etc. etc. Enhancements will probably drip in now and then. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί HISTORY Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ 03-02-95/v4.1: Bug patched when running 'doomshel -s' and selecting 'no music'. 19-01-95/v4.1: File requester updated. Support for Heretic. Some music added (supports only GenMidi @0x330 or SoundBlaster for the mass) for a restfull feeling. Intro picture added. Color changes according to game you are using (Doom I/II, Heretic). You can now use Shift+F1 for single-player, Shift+F2 for multiplayer, Shift+F3 for Serial/Modem. Yes, functionality didn't change that much, just a step towards an even more fulfilling package. 05-01-95/v4.0: WAD map viewing! Nice to preview a level, or perhaps to discover some secret areas. I think this was nice enough to boost the version number one full point. Does it look like I'm out of a job? (all those versions right after each other). Isn't this becoming THE ultimate DoomShell? 04-01-95/v3.1: Quick update on 3.0 (functionality didn't change). File requester now handles .. (parent directory) better. Forgot to fill in the day of the version date in the window title '??-01-95'. The shell tried to load a null-string WAD file after running Doom without a WAD (didn't crash on this). ^C and ^Break testing. Abort, retry, ignore, fail messages are now supressed. Automatically presses ENTER for you if you run Doom with a WAD file (to skip the 'This version has been modified' message). In all, some detail enhancements to make life just a tad easier! 04-01-95/v3.0: An automatically growing WAD database, with lots of nice features! IWAD-file support (should not be necessary, but there are some IWADs around that should have been PWADs). DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD are not listed anymore in the file requesters. Modified SHELL.BAT a bit (to avoid WAD database updating at startup times after having reset while in Doom)! This version is developed enough to probably surpass every DoomShell-like program on the public domain and commercial market today. That WAS one of its goals. Docking sequence complete. 31-12-94/v2.2: WAD files are now checked for Doom I/II compatibility. Automatic setting of the level/episode buttons based on the information in the WAD file. SETUP.exe can now be run from within DoomShell. BBS notice (where you can find the latest version). Sorry about the quick follow-up! 29-12-94/v2.1: Increased maximum number of files in file requester from 256 to 1000. Removed bug from file requester, which did not show subdirectories because of the *.WAD pattern. 18-12-94/v2.0: Chat macro editing (from DEFAULT.CFG) for network chats. Savegame was packed into a single listbox to create room for the new 'Demo Recordings' group. Demo recording/playback now fully supported. Help function (F1) displays this file while in DOOMSHEL.EXE. Modem configuration and selection built in (although this is perhaps not really the task of DoomShell). Automatic building of modem database the first time it is used (in DOOMSHEL.MDM). Also some minor textual changes here and there to match SETUP.EXE a bit more. Small banner when running Doom. 01-12-94/v1.1: Second release. Fixed a tiny bug which caused the 2nd .WAD file never to be loaded into Doom. 31-10-94/v1.0: First release of DoomShell. For Doom v1.666 & Doom II. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί CONTACTING THE AUTHOR FOR WHATEVER REASONS YOU MAY HAVE Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ I can be reached through cyberspace on planet Earth at the following address: Internet: jwkorver@xs4all.nl (yes, it's not my personal account yet) If you'd rather mail on a BBS, try: BBS Waterland +31-2990-40202 (24h online, 28K8 modem) Mail to: Ruud van Gaal (this BBS will always have the latest version of DoomShell!). Or you can just write by physical mail to: Ruud van Gaal Lt. Maltbystraat 6 3621 KL Breukelen The Netherlands Ofcourse, mail of any kind is appreciated! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Doom, Doom II and logos are trademarks of id Software, inc. (C) 1994,1995. Ί Ί The MIDPAK music drivers are written by John W. Ratcliff and John Miles: Ί Ί MIDPAK drivers are (C) 1994 The Audio Solution (747 Napa Lane, St. Charles Ί Ί MO 63304). Although the DoomShell is public domain, the music drivers Ί Ί (MIDPAK.*, GENMID.ADV, SBFM.ADV) are NOT! Their use is allowed here since Ί Ί this program is public domain. Ί Ί All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Ί Ί Ί Ί DoomShell is a public domain utility and should be treated as such. Ί Ί Use it at your own risc. All rights reserved. Ί Ί DoomShell is Copyright 1994/95 Ruud van Gaal Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Three words for the future of id Software, inc. Ί Ί int bank,pitch; Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ