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EITO '97 - Information and Communications Technology: Key Technological Trends and Standards

  1. Evolution in ICT: a Global View
    1. Standards and Standardization Bodies

  2. Microelectronic Components
    1. The New Frontiers (Limits of Silicon, Quantum Components, Protein Memory, Holographic Storage)
    2. "Thin Client"-oriented Microprocessors
    3. Multimedia-oriented Microprocessors and MMX Technology

  3. EDP Systems
    1. Computer Technology and Hardware Products
    2. 3-D Graphics
    3. Hard Disk Drives
    4. Digital Video Disc (DVD)
    5. The "Thin Client" (Network Computer)

  4. Telecommunications
    1. The IP Next Generation
    2. ATM
    3. Virtual LAN and LAN Switch
    4. High Speed LAN
    5. RMON
    6. Voice Communication over Internet and Frame Relay
    7. Cable and Broadband Modems
    8. Digital Subscriber Lines for Multimedia

  5. Architectures
    1. From Client-server to Intranet Architectures
    2. X/OPEN - OSE

  6. Software Technologies
    1. Systems Software and Utilities
    2. Application Tools
    3. Databases and Datawarehouses
    4. Application Packages (ERP)

  7. New Services and Applications
    1. "Intelligent" Systems and AI
    2. Recognition Systems
    3. ICT Security Mechanisms and Services
    4. Virtual Realities and VRML

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