Die DLG fⁿr die Landwirtschaft

International DLG Exhibition for Agricultural Machinery

Hanover, 11 - 15 November 1997
(9 and 10 November: Trade Preview Days)

"Home- page" Landwirt- schaft DLG Home- page

International Center

The DLG offers foreign visitors a variety of services at AGRITECHNICA '97. At the "International Center" you can obtain "agri-bussiness" information. We assist in etablishing contacts with trade and industry, provide advice on marketing questions and help you with our interpreting-, telephone- and fax services.

 Your E-Mail to us
Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft
Eschborner Landstra▀e 122
D-60489 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: ++49-69-24788-0,
Fax: ++49-69-24788-112
© DLG 1997 - "Impulses for Progress"