Die DLG fⁿr die Landwirtschaft

International DLG Exhibition for Agricultural Machinery

Hanover, 11 - 15 November 1997
(9 and 10 November: Trade Preview Days)

"Home- page" Landwirt- schaft DLG Home- page

Travelservice & Show Guide
Competent travel agencies belonging to the Green Ring in seven European Countries are at the service of all visitors and exhibitors, ready to help them organize their visit to AGRITECHNICA 97.
From group travel to hints and assistance for individual travel, advance sales of admission tickets, as well as organizing sightseeing tours - our partners are always at your disposal. A 7-language brochure containing this information can be requested free of charge from Ms Rümker (E-Mail). Valuable information about the AGRITECHNICA 97 such as a list of exhibitors as well as important hints on transfers in Hanover, general maps etc. complete this brochure.

Contact our AGRITECHNICA 97 travel partners directly at the following adresses:
  • Netherlands
    Agrarische Studiereizen, Louise Deumer
    Kleine Oord 179, 6811 HZ Arnhem
    Tel: 026-3512087, Fax: 026-3510338
  • Belgium
    e-mail: Agri-Reizen, Julien Milis
    Pariisstraat 50, 3000 Leuven / Louvain
    Tel: 016-24 38 99, fax: 016-24 38 02,
  • Great Britain
    e-mail: Agricultural Travel Bureau
    Peter Hall, 14 Chain Lane, Newark, Notts NG24 1AU
    Tel: 01636-705612, Fax: 01636-707600,
  • Italia
    X-Large Travel, Incoming Service Italia
    Via Kaltegg, 27/A
    I-39040 Montagna (BZ),
    Tel: 0471 819556, Fax: 0471 819558
  • France
    D-Tour International, Birgit Lettner
    52 Blvd Montparnasse, 75015 Paris
    Tel: (1) 42 22 41 41, Fax: (1) 45 49 45 55
  • Denmark
    BennÆs Rejser, Britta Poulsen
    51 N°rregade, 7500 Holstebro
    Tel: 97 42 50 00, Fax: 97 40 44 94

 Your E-Mail to us
Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft
Eschborner Landstra▀e 122
D-60489 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: ++49-69-24788-0,
Fax: ++49-69-24788-112
© DLG 1997 - "Impulses for Progress"