Visitors information
Accommodation in Hanover and surroundings For reservations please contact:
Hannover Hotel- und Privatzimmerservice
Theodor Heuss Platz 1-3, D-30175 Hannover
Fax.: ++49 511 8113541, Tel.: ++49 511 8113500
Admission to AGRITECHNICA '97
- 28 DM Day ticket(11-15/11/97)
- 100 DMTrade preview days
(9 -10/11/97, counts as season ticket for visitors)
- 18 DM Students/pensioners
(from 11/11/97)
- Children under the age of 12 accompanied
by adults - free
- Hours of opening: Daily from 9 to 18 h
(free of charge):
- Trade Show Guide and Travelservice
- List of Innovations
- Programme 1st European Congress of
Agricultural Contracters
AGRITECHNICA '97 Catalogue (10/97)
Your E-Mail to us (please add your adress)
Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft
Eschborner Landstra▀e 122
D-60489 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: ++49-69-24788-0, Fax: ++49-69-24788-110
© DLG 1997 - "Impulses for Progress"