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CeBIT '97: EITO (European Information Technology Observatory)


  • What is EITO?


    EITO '97

    will be available in March 1997

    The new edition of the European Information Technology Observatory (EITO '97) analyses the current European ICT-Market and contains a statistical and economical forecast for the next years.

    The EITO '97 exists our of 3 major parts.


    Content of recent editions

  • Content of EITO 1996
  • Content of EITO 1995


    How and where to receive a copy of EITO '97 and/or EITO '96 and/or EITO '95

    Price for EITO '97 (will be available in March 1997):

    Yearbook only = 98,00 DM each incl. VAT, excl. postage
    CD-ROM only = 98,00 DM each incl. VAT, excl. postage
    Yearbook + CD-ROM = 135,00 DM each incl. VAT, excl. postage

    Price of EITO '96:

    Yearbook only = 98,00 DM each incl. VAT, excl. postage
    Yearbook + CD-ROM = 135,00 DM each incl. VAT, excl. postage

    Price of EITO '95:

    Yearbook only = 98,00 DM each incl. VAT, excl. postage

    Orders by fax or letter send to:

    Deutsche Messe AG
    Dept. 310

    D-30521 Hannover

    Fax: ++49-(0)511-8933102


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