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Subject: CYBRA - CONTEST!!!

Autor: Karin Sawetz

Email: office@fashion.at

--------------------- CONTEST

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CYBRA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the virtual fashion-girl

FASHION NAVIGATOR (http://www.fashion.at) invites all Creatives of the
World to join the contest äCYBRAô, the virtual Fashion-Girl on the Net.

╖ How does äCYBRAô look like?
╖ What does she wear?
╖ About which themes does CYBRA gladly speak about? (five topics)
╖ Tell us, and you can win!

Please send us
1. your own designed äCYBRAô - the virtual fashion-girl
2. one collection for each cyber-season (who knows how many seasons
cyberland have?)
3. a list with five topics CYBRA likes to speak about

The prices for the winners are
- national and international Public Relation for the winner designs
- an own Homepage within the framework of the fashion zine FASHION
NAVIGATOR (http://www.fashion.at) for every individual winner over a
period of a year

How many winners are there?
Three winners - for each topic one. The winners will be selected from
the editorial staff of the FASHION NAVIGATOR. For the period of a year,
the drafts of the winners of the second and third places will be
presented in the Internet. The visitors of the FASHION NAVIGATOR can
decide at a second round after which draft the girlfriend of CYBRA will
be formed and how she will be named.

Please send your design until the 1st January 1998 to the following
postal address:

Ravelinstra▀e 5a
1110 Vienna

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Karin Sawetz,
phone +43 1 769 85 10 or by Email: office@fashion.at

We hope you join the contest!

Best regards,
Karin Sawetz





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