
Unternehmerinnen - Women Entrepreneurs
Internet, Web Design


Sponsoren / Werbemöglichkeit

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What: JaxFlorida BizWeb - a Jacksonville, Florida area business web presence provider.
Contact person: Laura Casey
Where: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Contact: 904-220-7152
Email: goody@jaxflorida.com
URL: http://www.jaxflorida.com


Was: Internet-Seitenerstellung, MS-Office Schulung
Ansprechpartnerin: Nicola Pandler
Wo: Deutschland 85354 Freising
Kontakt: Tel. 08161/3108
e-mail: pandler@t-online.de
URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/pandler


What: Fingertek Information Research Specialists
Contact person: Tina Haggard
Where : P.O. Box 150804
Austin, TX 78715-0804
Contact: Fingertek@aol.com Phone: 512.282.4405. Fax: 512.374.0222
URL: http://members.aol.com/fingertek/home.html
What do you want to know today? We search the net so you don't have to. Our internet search specialists work with you individually to ensure you get the information you need. FREE initial consultation. FREE personalized estimates. The RIGHT information when you need it... at your fingertips. Specialize in travel (pleasure or business), relocation, academic research, consumer product comparisons. Tell us what you need to know and we will find it for you.


Name of Company: Segal Consulting Services Int'l & Affiliates
Url: http://www.scsia.com
Email: lori@scsia.com
We specializes in creating winning advertising for our customers whether you want email press releases created, on-line Advertising Custom Designed or target marketing done - SCSIA is the place to find assistance. The site also offers a number of public services - including Banner Advertising, Email Advertising, free software to download!


Web site design, on-line marketing strategies,
Internet identity promotion, content development,
WWW resource information, training and consulting.
Who: Cindy F. Solomon
URL: http://www.solmn.com
Email: cindy@solmn.com


What: NET Designs - Web Hosting and Services
Who: Angela Smith
Where: Prince George, VA
Email: designs@ctg.net
Phone: (804)733-2843
URL: http://mhbn.com/nd.htm
From web site conception to marketing and everything 
in between, NET Designs will be there to help you take 
your first step to an online presence.


What: Get-A-Site Web Site Designs
Contact person: Cheryl K. Weller
Where: USA, Pittsburgh, PA
Contact: webmaster@getasite.com
URL: http://www.getasite.com/getasite.htm
With over 20 years' experience in corporate communications,
GET-A-SITE is prepared to assist today's smart professionals make the
transition into tomorrow's high technology operations platform.
GET-A-SITE's diversity of talent ranges from expertise in the fields of
marketing, promotion, computer technology, graphics design and corporate
communications.  Get-A-Site - "A Woman-Pioneered Venture!"


Who: ABS Web-Publishing
Where: 52074 Aachen, Germany
Contact person: Ann-Bettina Schmitz
Cntact: Tel.: ++49-(0)241-76921, Fax: ++49-(0)241-7018766
E-mail: a.b.schmitz@westend.com
URL: http://www.web-publishing.com
ABS Web-Publishing is your partner for a successful web presence.
We offer you:
international award winning design - in English or German, as you need it
reliable hosting - on US or German server, it's your choice
successful promotion of your web site
at reasonable prices.

Wer: Anne Blank
Wo: An der Sommerseite 4, 34587 Felsberg,
Kontakt: Tel.: 05662 - 6916
E-mail: funkysoft@t-online.de
URL: http://funkysoft.schlund.de
private Page: http://www.schlund.de/privat/blankbertram/anne1.htm

Ich biete alle Dienstleistungen rund um WEB-DESIGN, Präsentation, 
Anmeldung, Web-Space-Vermittlung, Bannererstellung, Counter - Einbau, 
Anmeldung bei Suchmaschinen, Einbau /Erstellung von Gästebüchern, Online 
- Bestell - oder Feedback - Formularen, Foto-Scan und Optimierung.

What: Site Promoter - Free Site Promotion Tool!
Contact person: Nancy Bargine
Where: USA
Contact: impressa@mcn.org
URL: http://www.mcn.org/b/sitepromoter/

A prioritized strategy linked to a cybernetic search or 
submit "cardfile." Learn how to search like a pro, make "Top 10," create 
graphic ads, write news releases, announcements, use mailing lists. A 
12-step interactive guide shows how -- with all the links and resources 
needed to complete the task.

What: WAHM -- THE Online Magazine for Work at Home Moms
Contact person: Cheryl Demas
Where: Folsom, California, US
Email: chdemas@aol.com
URL: http://www.maricle.com/wahm

WAHM is the online magazine for Work at Home Moms.
Tips, advice, support and resources for Work at Home Moms.

What: PY Computer Services
Contact person: Pat McGarvey
Where: U.S. San Francisco Bay Area
Contact: pmcgarv@ix.netcom.com
Url: http://www.py.com/

Full service internet consultants.  We can teach you about the internet, 
develope and construct your web page, and help your customers find you.

Was: Webpage Design, Hosting ( Installation ) und Bekanntmachung von Web-Seiten
Ansprechpartnerin: Ann-Bettina Schmitz
Wo: 52074 Aachen, NRW, Deutschland
Kontakt: Email: a.b.schmitz@westend.com, Fax: ++49-(0)241-7018766
URL: http://www.web-publishing.de/
Ihre individuelle Internet-Präsentation - einfach - schnell - preiswert Natürlich können Sie sich ihre Internet-Präsentation von einer großen Agentur erstellen lassen und dort dann der ziemlich uninteressante Kunde Nummer 795 sein, sich ein 0815-Konzept überstülpen lassen und für das Ganze kräftig zahlen. :-( Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre eine junges, kreatives Unternehmen wie ABS Web-Publishing zu engagieren. OK, bezahlen müssen Sie unsere Leistungen auch. :-) Aber dafür bekommen Sie auch etwas geboten:
Individuelle Beratung
ein maßgeschneidertes Konzept
kreatives, zur Sache passendes, international preisgekröntes Design
persönliche Betreuung von der Planung über die Ausführung bis zur laufenden Wartung
Bekanntmachung ihrer Präsentation im Internet
laufende Erfolgskontrolle
konkurrenzfähige Preise


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