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new Anke's Homepage
Topics: women links, pages for women
new Frauen News
Topics: Web-Zine with women news national and international
new Anonymomma's World
Topics: Art, music, giggles 'n more bought to you by the only place in cyberspace
where one can be entertained by a laughing woman with a bag on her head!
Come Share a Smile!
Rhine 3 Entertainment Newsletter
Topics: features online interactive fun including: intelligent
games; web design and authoring; women's e-zines and writing; gays; and more!
medea's misanthropic musings
Topics: links to all sorts of things you always wanted to find and a whole lot of stuff you didn't
Laura Lee
Topics: Poetry, Folk Music, Quote of the Day, Freelance writing, Hippies
Days of Dykes
Topics: personal information, links to help LesBiGay and Transgender communities, advice column.
Nicky's Homepage
Topics: something about Nicky's Hobbies, from the lifes of women engeneers,
soon poems
Topics: writings, cookbook, Barbie adventures, journal, 4-legged friends,
picture guessing game, and large list of resources for women.
Ellen's Place
Topics: Film, Photo, Marilyn Monroe, Internet and much more. Here everyone should find something.
Saakje's Cottage
Topics: A rare mixture of pages about things like heathen, herbs, X-wing and games
Your Worst Celebrity Nightmare
Topics: Tell your nightmare and win.
Soroptimist International Pretoria
Topics: Soroptimist International, a service organization for Executive and professional women.
Monday Morning Briefs
Themes: Weekly humor column of true accounts of real people.
Sonja Milbourn's Background & Interests
Themes: Women's Study Project, Women's Resources links, Study in the United States
Themes: Women's Prayer Chapel and more. Home of Radio City Music Hall Rockette and entertainer
Morning-Star now appearing at the Flamingo Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Nicky's Homepage
Themes: Person / Hobbys / Links
Topics: A cultural mix of poetry, fiction, essays, opinions, and links to expand your
focus, understanding, and awareness.
LOOP Magazine - Celebrating the Lives of Women
Topics: LOOP is a women focus magazine with a format revolving around profiles and
interviews with women from all walks of life. The LOOP website which will launch in October
will also offer Information Centers that will be geared for women online.
SueBD's Home Page
Themes: music, photography (with photographs), women's issues, writing (and a short story), etc.
Eva Shaderowfsky
Photography, Writing, Online Work, Favorite Places
Nina Furu
Topics: Her family, women's fashion and lifestyle magazine, interactive kids magazine
A Dyke's World
Topics: Links for Dykes, Sisters on Stage, the euro-sapphp picturebook
Netscape 2.0 or higher needed ( Frames )
let's talk about Sex, Same Sex Marriages, Art Gallery
The Derivative Duo
The Derivative Duo sing feminist opera parodies about things such as P.M.S.,
Barbie, gays in the military and the coming out experience.
The music is great! If you have the Real Audio Player you can listen through the NET.
The Sratching Post
Topics: Links for boys and girls who dare
Annelie Cloodt's World
Topics: Media, Women, Kids,Garden, herself and Erika, a Swedish woman
Linda's Home Sweet Home
Topics: Horses, humour, links, herself
Hayley's Place
Topics:Cats, poems written by herself, links, GirlNet, herself
La Ragnatela
Topics:For Italy fans, about the country and the people, links
Feline Cohorts
Topics: The unbelievable adventures of a group of cats
Liz Maher
Topics: Web-Design, family, music
Women in Sports
Topics: Women in sports
Topics: Astrology
Lynda's Homegurrrl Page
Topics: Links, animated gifs, a lot about graphics, her family
Stephanie Brail's Page
Topics: herself, what she likes and what not, her friends, spiderwomen
Flora J. Garcia's Page
Topics: her projects, Russia, baseball
The Boxess Family
Topics: Family Boxess, including tractors, dogs, peacocks and chickens; Mac User Group Page, Cartoons
Women's Rugby
Topics: Women's Rugby, wordwide
Tatjana Sherstuck
Topics: a 13 year old artist from Moskow. She paints traditionally as well as with the computer
Galina Mazepova
Topics: A 71 year old Russian scientist tells about her life at and for the lake Baikal

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