0 Insufficient memory for this operation; close one or more Windows applications to increase available memory. 1 ISDN Adapters (PnP) Control Panel Applet 2 Close 3 ISDN Adapters 4 Add/Remove ISDN adapters and view their properties. 5 Pressing OK will delete the selected ISDN adapter. 6 ISDN Adapter 7 ISDN Adapter Settings 8 System Setting Change 9 To delete ISDN adapters, you must be logged onto the Windows NT workstation as an Administrator. 10 To update ISDN drivers, you must be logged onto the Windows NT workstation as an Administrator. 11 To change ISDN drivers, you must be logged onto the Windows NT workstation as an Administrator. 13 Your ISDN adapter settings have changed. \n \n 14 Your ISDN driver settings have changed. \n \n 15 You will need to exit and restart Windows NT so that the new setting can take effect. 16 This Plug and Play ISDN Adapter offers %d simultaneous data connections. 17 This ISDN Adapter offers %d simultaneous data connections. 18 This Plug and Play ISDN Adapter would offer %d simultaneous data connections. 19 The selected driver file is missing. 20 No matching drivers were found in the given location. 21 update driver failed 22 (current) 50 The device is not working properly, code 0x%x/0x%x. 51 The device is working properly. 52 The device has been removed from the system. 53 The device is beeing removed from the system. 54 The device has a private problem (e.g. hardware error). 100 The device is not configured. 101 The device reports the following problem: 'service load failed'. 102 The device reports the following problem: 'out of memory'. 103 The device reports the following problem: 'entry is wrong type'. 104 The device reports the following problem: 'lacked arbitrator'. 105 The device reports the following problem: 'boot configuration conflict'. 106 The device reports the following problem: 'failed filter'. 107 The device reports the following problem: 'device loader not found'. 108 The device reports the following problem: 'invalid data'. 109 The device reports the following problem: 'failed to start'. 110 The device reports the following problem: 'liar'. 111 The device reports the following problem: the resource configuration conflicts with another device. 112 The device reports the following problem: 'not verified'. 113 The device reports the following problem: 'need restart'. 114 The device reports the following problem: 'reenumeration'. 115 The device reports the following problem: 'partial log conf'. 116 The device reports the following problem: 'unknown resource type'. 117 The device reports the following problem: 'installation is not yet complete'. 118 The device reports the following problem: 'moved'. 119 The loader for the device driver reports a problem. 120 The device is about to be removed. 121 The device is disabled. 122 The loader for this device is not ready. 123 The device does not exist. 124 The device reports the following problem: 'moved'. 125 The device reports the following problem: 'too early'. 126 The device does not have a valid configuration. 127 The device installation failed. 128 The devices hardware is disabled. 129 The device reports the following problem: 'cannot share Interrupt line'. 130 The device has an unknown problem, code 0x%0x.