ITK Telekommunikation AG Emil-Figge-Strasse 80 D-44227 Dortmund Tel.: +49 (0) 231 9747 - 250 Fax.: +49 (0) 231 9747 - 777 E-Mail: WWW: Current product information - Addendum to the printed documentation ===================================================================== Table of contents ================== 1. General 2. CAPI2.0 / CAPI1.1 / CAPIplus 3. X.25 Support 4. Network Protocol Variants 4.1 US Network Protocol Support 5. Leased Lines 6. Installation under DOS 7. Installation under NetWare 8. Certification 9. ix1-basic PCI support 10. Problems / Remarks / History 1. General ============ This version includes the DOS, Windows 3.x and NetWare CAPI software V3.00 for the ix1-basic board. This version of the drivers for DOS, Windows 3.x and NetWare support the ix1-basic boards for the ISA-, MCA- and PCI-Bus. The manual "ix1 Installation and Interfaces" belongs to this software. With a seperate download software and a fax/modem expansion, the modem operation of up to 14400 bit/s via CAPI is supported. For this the B2-protocol modem (0x0c) has to be adjusted. The bin file called "ixmodem" is available on the express server or can be downloaded from our web-server. 2. CAPI2.0 / CAPI1.1 / CAPIplus ================================= The DOS/NetWare drivers are "Multi"-Capi drivers. This means they support CAPI2.0, CAPI1.1 and CAPIplus. CAPI2.0, CAPI1.1 and CAPIplus applications can be started at the same time on the PC. The B channel protocols bit Transparent, HDLC Transparent, V.110, T.90, ISO 8208 and FAX group 3 with 14400 bit/s are supported according to CAPI1.1 supplements. The B channel protocols bit Transparent, HDLC Transparent, T.30, modem, X.75, LAPD for D Channel X.25, T.90NL, ISO 8208 are supported according to CAPI2.0. For the protocols modem and T.30, the FAX/Modem hardware supplement is needed. 3. X.25 Support =============== This software supports the following X.25 modi: B channel: X.31 case A (no bitrate adaption) X.31 case B D Channel: X.31 case B 4. Network Protocol Variants ============================ The ix1-basic board is adjusted by default to the D-channel protocol Euro-ISDN (DSS-1). If the ix1 board is to be operated with another D channel protocol, it has to be configured appropriately with the utility 'SETLINE'. The use of SETLINE is described in the manual "ix1 Installation and Interfaces". The Euro-protocol (Euro-ISDN/NET3/DSS-1) and the protocol variants 1TR6 (Germany), VN3 (France), Norway Phase 1 (Norway), Q.931 (CCITT blue book), Cornet N, National ISDN 1, 5ESS and ECMA Q.SIG belong to the standard scope of delivery of the board software. If the protocol variant VN4 (France) is to be used, Q.931 has to be set. Especially for several TK-systems that do not support the info element "Sending Complete" in setup, there is now the protocol DSS1-TK. In the following some examples for the possible settings: SETLINE -D 0 selects 1TR6 or SETLINE -D 3 selects VN3 (France) or SETLINE -D 8 selects Norway Phase 1 (Norway) 4.1 US Network Protocol Support ===================================== With this version of download software the US network protocol variants National ISDN 1 (NI-1), DMS-100 and 5ESS are supported. After every download SPID and Directory Number(DN) have to be configured with the utility SETCOMP on the board. Please note that for any ISDN Interface in 5ESS a SPID has to be set, and in NI-1 two SPIDs and two DNs have to be set. In the following some examples for the settings: SETCOMP -S 1234,56,7890,57 configures SPID and DN for NI-1 SPID1=1234,DN1=56;SPID2=7890,DN2=57 or SETCOMP -S 1234 configures SPID for 5ESS SPID1=1234 5. Leased Lines =============== The ix1 software for the ix1-basic board supports the following leased lines within the area of the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom a) D64S (0 D channel, 1 B channel) (is currently supported with CAPIplus only) b) DS01/TS01 (1 D channel, 1 B channel) c) DS02/TS02 (1 D channel, 2 B channels) The variant D64S2 is supported with the next version. Beta versions will approximately be available from october 96. For the different types the following line settings are to be done with the utility SETLINE: a) D64S (0 D channel, 1 B channel) Since no D channel is available, the settings referring to NT-TE side are ignored. For the bandwidth, bit 3 is set to 2x64 Kbit. Hence, for LineAccess the resulting value is 10111=23(dez) (setline -l 23) b) DS01/TS01 (1 D Channel, 1 B Channel) For regular operation the two subscribers (A and B) of the leased line have to be configured differently. Bit 2 has to be set on NT-side for A, and on TE-side for B. For the bandwidth, bit 3 is set on 2x64 Kbit. Hence, the resulting values for LineAccess are A (NT) = 00111 = 7 (setline -d 0 -l 7) B (TE) = 00011 = 3 (setline -d 0 -l 7) c) DS02/TS02 (1 D channel, 2 B channels) For regular operation the two subscribers (A and B) of the leased line have to be configured differently. Bit 2 has to be set on NT-side for A, and on TE-side for B. For the bandwidth, bit 3 is set on 2x128 Kbit, that means that the two B channels are bundeled. Hence, the resulting values for LineAccess are A (NT) = 01111 = 15(dez) (setline -d 0 -l 15) B (TE) = 01011 = 11(dez) (setline -d 0 -l 11) 6. Installation under DOS ========================= The enclosed batch file CAPI.BAT can be called by the following parameters: CAPI loads the board and the PC-driver or CAPI -D unloads the PC-driver (IXCAPI.COM) or CAPI ? gives out the instruction for CAPI.BAT In the manual the additional parameter is not indicated. 7. Installation under NetWare ============================= With this version ixinstal.nlm generates an editable ix1.ini file under NetWare. Since PCI motherboards are not supported completely under Netware, problems can occur in the automatic installation of the ix1-basic (not ix1-basic PCI) board with ixinstal.nlm and PCI-Motherboards. Then you can enter the free interrupt and the I/O address into the ix1.ini file. Furthermore the mixed operation of ix1-basic and ix1-octo boards is supported with this version. For this, you can pick the download file in the ix1.ini file for any board. The line then has to look like the following: Downloadfile= ixo.bin ; for the ix1-octo board respectively Downloadfile= ix.bin ; for the ix1-basic board These versions of the NetWare utilities need the NBI.NLM by Novell that is available on the disc. Unfortunately this driver is dependent on the NetWare version. The install program copies the corresponding version. The current patches by Novell that you can get via your NetWare dealer should be installed. 8. Certification ================ ix1-boards with ISA-,Microchannel- and PCI-Bus are admitted by the "Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation" (BZT) under the numbers A103702C, A105705D and D128251H. ISA- and Microchannel- boards were admitted under the CE-number CE 0167X in Belgium, Denmark, UK, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. The PCI-board was admitted in the countries mentioned above under the number CE 0560X. In France ISA- and Microchannel- boards have the admission number 95231B. The ISA board has the admission number 95.0488.I.N in Switzerland, the Microchannel board has the number 950489.I.N and the PCI-board has the number 96.0600.I.N. The admissions were given for Point-to-Multipoint-, Point-to-Point- (NT1-) connections and for leased lines. Further information can be inquired at our product support (-250). 9. ix1-basic PCI support ========================= This software version supports the ix1-basic PCI board for DOS/Windows 3.x and NetWare. The following system requirements are needed for the ix1-basic PCI: * 1 free PCI slot for ix1-basic PCI * 1 free interrupt (IRQ) from the following ones: ix1-basic PCI supports all the available interrupts * 3 blocks of port addresses (64 Byte,8Byte and 8Byte) all the possible addresses are supported 10. Problems / Remarks / History ================================ a) The Fax/Modem expansion is recognized automatically with this version. Hence, the utility SETFAX is not needed anymore. With the utility RDEEPROM the current configuration can be inquired. b) With this version the capi.dll needs an environment variable with the name 'ix1dir' in order to find the configuration file ix1.cnf. If you are using the capi.dll under Windows, for standard installation you should take over the following line into the file autoexec.bat: set ix1dir=c:\ix1 c) With this version a capi20.dll is delivered. This DLL puts on onto the DOS-Capi, despite this the application memory can be larger than 1MB. The starting of this DLL does not lead any more to a system error, if the DOS-Capi hasn't been loaded. d) Referring to the compression, the present version is NOT compatible with former versions! Data connections between the current version and an older version work uncompressedly. e) With the utility SETCOMP the utilized way of compression can be preoccupied. The following variants are supported: SETCOMP -c 0 switches off compression SETCOMP -c 1 V.42bis according to standard SETCOMP -c 2 ITK compression (better in partly compressed data) (default setting) SETCOMP -c 3 optional compression (board offers V.42bis AND ITK compression). The called subscriber can then determine the method. If both have chosen optional, ITK compression is used. SETCOMP -c 4 The compression can be determined through the CAPIplus application, by the ITK MPR for example. f) For the CAPI1.1 interface a MSN-Mapping is supported. The table has to be configured with the utility SETCOMP after any download. g) The current download file needs the enclosed bootfile ixboot.scr. h) In order to use the T-Online decoder of Telekom under Windows 3.x, the following line has to be inserted into the file autoexec.bat: cd \ix1 call capi By this, CAPI is started completely. i) In the version 3.0 it can come to a misbehavior of the board software at simultaneous fax and non-fax connections. This problem is repaired in the present version. j) The VirtualCAPI for NetWare will not be supported by this driver software in any case. Dortmund, December 26th, 1996