SPACE ESTATE: The Fracture Wars(tm)

For countless ages mankind had struggled. He had explored space and become master of all that he surveyed.... with one exception.....

Cosmos Central: Team 1, report.

Vadlosk: Roger Central, this is team leader Vadlosk. We have confirmed Chaotic infiltration into the Wolf system. Long range scanners reports 5 vessels not matching any known Cosmos codes.

Cosmos Central: You are authorized to eliminate all Chaos ships in the system.

Vadlosk: We're one step up on you Central, I have a man on point, I'm covering.... Three in the hold. The enemy appears to be in a standard ambush configuration. Strange they are holding back, though.

Cosmos Central: Roger team leader, thats why we have you there. Reports indicate that Chaos forces have been developing high yield torpedos. We need you to find out.

Vadlosk: Roger, we'll get you your info Central. Headed in.....

Vadlosk: Nothing from the enemy. Very strange, Central, I think we should pull back and....

Vadlosk: Team break! Reserve engage!!!!! Wall, drop back, Dusk watch your ba....

Vadlosk: Central!.... Chaotic forces have developed some sort of high powered plasma weapons. A single hit penetrates our hulls. Dusk is down.... Request shields be hyper-folded into this System.

Cosmos Central: Negative Vadlosk, get your team out of there. All shield packs have just been folded into the the Witon system. Chaotic forces are advancing in 3 separate systems.... God help us. Prepare to be folded to Witon. May Order prevail.....

It is the year 2237, mankind has split. The forces of Cosmos (order) oppose the forces of Chaos (disorder) in a war that has stretched on for 12 years. Cosmos believes government provides order and that order is necessary for survival. Chaos believes that natural selection is the only real order and that all attempts to impose "artifical" law are futile. Resources on both sides have been depleted and billions of people are starving and dead.

The war began when a signal was received from deep space that was not of human origin. Scientists were unable to decode any useful information from the signal. They were, however, able to determine that the signal originated from a region of space beyond our folding abilities. The power required to send the signal was also greater than anything humanity could generate.

Generals debated and argued the possibility of invasion for months. Eventually two camps of thought formed as to how we should proceed. Mankind's true character was eventually revealed. It is amazing to think now that no one ever seriously considered that the message was peaceful in nature... or that it was not even meant for us. In the end we have turned upon ourselves in what began as a way to save ourselves. Each side is convinced that they must prevail so as to best prepare for the unknown. May God save us all.


Historian, Witon Colony

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