SPACE ESTATE: The Fracture Wars(tm)


Purpose of server

The server is the heart of the game. Without the server (or some server) there is no game. To play Space Estate, you must either run a server locally or contact a server that is already running somewhere else (like at an Internet Service Provider, a friend's machine, or in an office). The documentation that follows explains how to run the server and configure it for your needs. The Server ships ready to go. All you have to do is start the game by clicking on it's icon. If you want to configure and customize it, keep reading.

Note: The game ships with an application called "sestate.exe". This application simply starts c3server.exe and c3client.exe.

Game Systems

Each server can support multiple game systems. A game system is a "room" capable of holding up to 10 players (computer or human) on two teams of 5 each. Each system can have various options enabled and disabled to make it unique from the others. In this way, a single server can host upwards of 100 players and provide a range of various game options to choose from. To control what systems get created when a server is started you must edit the GAMES.TXT file. There is a description of what to do inside the file.

For most users that's it.... the server doesn't need to be configured any more. If you are an ISP or in a similar situation, keep reading.

Server Options

Normally, when you start the server it pops up a window that displays log messages. If you prefer to run the server in console only mode (no window will be popped up. All log messages will go to stdout) run "c3server.exe -c".

Advanced Server Options

If you are running the server on a multi-homed machine (a large server machine with multiple IP addresses) then you may need to create a NETWORK.TXT file. This will allow you to control which interface the server binds its UDP ports to. You can also control which interface is used to send UDP packets based on the IP address of the connecting client. The format of the file is:








(This says to use the interface who's IP address is for all UDP sends EXCEPT for destination IP addresses that start with 101.22.45 or 101.202.44. For those addresses, use the interfaces associated with and respectively.

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