J-PERK INSTALL NOTES Copyright 1996-1998 McWeb Software _______________________________________________________________________ ================ IMPORTANT!!! ================ If you received an error stating: "A required .DLL file, MSVBVM50.DLL, was not found" and J-Perk won't run, you must download this file from: ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/win95/dll/vb5rtsp3.zip Unzip the vb5rtsp3.zip file and run the vb5rtsp3.exe file contained within it. This file will install the files that J-Perk needs in order to execute correctly. When it has completed the installation, then run J-Perk. Our Web site http://www.mcwebsoftware.com/javaperk/jpfaq.html has more information about this. ============================================== IF YOU ENCOUNTER PROBLEMS WHILE INSTALLING: If you encounter error messages during installation which give you the option to "Abort, Ignore, Retry", first retry, then if that doesn't work choose Ignore each time it asks you. When setup completes, it is most likely that J-Perk will work, but the applets did not install. Find the applet pack (applets.zip) included with the J-Perk evaluation zip file and unzip it into your J-Perk directory. This should do the trick. INSTALLATION: To install J-Perk, make a temporary directory called INSTALL (or something you prefer), change to that directory (cd INSTALL), and copy the jperk.zip file into it. Unzip the jperk.zip file using PKUNZIP or WINZIP. Using PKUNZIP, type the following command at the prompt: PKUNZIP jperk.zip Run the SETUP.EXE file using File Manager, My Computer, Explorer or execute it from the Run Command prompt. Follow the prompts and dialog boxes to install J-Perk on your computer. Installation should be a breeze!! The applets that are included with J-Perk are separate from the sold product. They have only been included as an extra in this package. The selling price ONLY reflects the cost of J-Perk, and any additional files have not been included in the sale price. These applets can be downloaded from the New Media Lab at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Special thanks to Eric Harshbarger at Sun Microsystems, Inc. for allowing McWeb Software to use the applets included in this software package. _________________________________________________________________________ Please report bugs, comments, suggestions, and to: info@mcwebsoftware.com Thank you for your support. McWeb Software