object EnvironmentOptionsPage: TEnvironmentOptionsPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 419 Height = 298 HelpContext = 1800 Caption = 'Preferences' OnBroadcast = EnvironmentOptionsPageBroadcast object GroupBox2: TGroupBox Left = 213 Top = 8 Width = 198 Height = 89 Caption = ' Autosave options: ' TabOrder = 0 object cbASEditor: TPropCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 16 Width = 107 Height = 20 Caption = 'Editor &files' PropField = 'Editor Files' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.AutoSave TabOrder = 0 ValueChecked = 'True;Yes;1' ValueUnchecked = 'False;No;0' end object cbASDesktop: TPropCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 36 Width = 102 Height = 20 TabStop = False Caption = 'Des&ktop' PropField = 'Desktop' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.AutoSave TabOrder = 1 ValueChecked = 'True;Yes;1' ValueUnchecked = 'False;No;0' end end object GroupBox3: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 104 Width = 403 Height = 102 Caption = ' Form designer: ' TabOrder = 1 object lbGridX: TLabel Left = 214 Top = 19 Width = 70 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Grid size &X' FocusControl = ecGridSizeX end object lbGridY: TLabel Left = 214 Top = 39 Width = 70 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Grid size &Y' FocusControl = ecGridSizeY end object cbDisplayGrid: TPropCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 16 Width = 150 Height = 20 Caption = 'Display &grid' PropField = 'Display Grid' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.FormDesign TabOrder = 0 ValueChecked = 'True;Yes;1' ValueUnchecked = 'False;No;0' end object cbSnapToGrid: TPropCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 36 Width = 150 Height = 20 TabStop = False Caption = 'Sna&p to grid' PropField = 'Snap to Grid' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.FormDesign TabOrder = 1 ValueChecked = 'True;Yes;1' ValueUnchecked = 'False;No;0' end object ecGridSizeX: TPropEdit Left = 286 Top = 13 Width = 104 Height = 21 PropField = 'Grid Size X' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.FormDesign TabOrder = 3 end object ecGridSizeY: TPropEdit Left = 286 Top = 37 Width = 103 Height = 21 PropField = 'Grid Size Y' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.FormDesign TabOrder = 4 end object cbShowComponentCaptions: TPropCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 56 Width = 160 Height = 17 TabStop = False Caption = 'Sho&w component captions' PropField = 'Show Component Captions' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.FormDesign TabOrder = 2 ValueChecked = 'True;Yes;1' ValueUnchecked = 'False;No;0' end object cbShowDesignerHints: TPropCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 76 Width = 150 Height = 17 TabStop = False Caption = 'Sho&w designer h&ints' PropField = 'Show Designer Hints' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.FormDesign TabOrder = 5 ValueChecked = 'True;Yes;1' ValueUnchecked = 'False;No;0' end end object GroupBox17: TGroupBox Left = 9 Top = 213 Width = 403 Height = 46 Caption = ' Shared Repository: ' TabOrder = 2 object lbReposDir: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 19 Width = 45 Height = 13 Caption = 'Di&rectory:' FocusControl = ecRepositoryDir end object ecRepositoryDir: TPropEdit Left = 58 Top = 16 Width = 246 Height = 21 PropField = 'Repository Dir' PropSet = EnvironmentOptions.Repository TabOrder = 0 end object RepositoryBtn: TButton Left = 314 Top = 14 Width = 77 Height = 24 Caption = 'Br&owse...' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = RepositoryBtnClick end end end