ASCII Table WARRANTY: USE OF THIS PROGRAM IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU AGREE BY USING THIS PROGRAM TO HOLD HARMLESS THE PROGRAM'S AUTHORS AGAINST DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS WERE NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE THAT SUCH DAMAGES MIGHT OCCUR. THIS PROGRAM IS FREEWARE. IF YOU PAID MONEY FOR IT, YOU WERE HAD. Files: This ZIP archive should contain two files: Ascii Table.exe 22,528 12/6/96 ReadMe.txt (this file) In addition, ASCII Table requires 2 DLL's: MFC42.DLL MSVCRT.DLL These files can be obtained many places via the Web or FTP. They are available at Installation: Unzip the two files contained in the archive to a directory. To execute the program, run Ascii Table.exe. You can create a shortcut on your desktop or Start Menu, if you'd like. Background: I needed an ASCII chart for a problem I was having at work. I finally found a Win 3.x program that would display an ASCII chart, but I didn't like it and it wasn't 32-bit. So, Jeff and I put this together in a flash and I solved the problem I was having. I like that story . History: Version 1.3 -- 12/6/96 Added column for Ctrl-character equivalents. Added dialog for changing the font. Added persistence for fonts and window location (i.e. the window appears at the same place, with the same font, as when you last closed it). Version 1.2 -- 11/1/96 Added column for character name, and added description for characters. Version 1.1 -- 10/19/96 Fixed display problems; font was coming up too small on some machines. Added window resizing capability. Version 1.0 -- 10/7/96 Original release. This program is freeware. I hope it is of some value to you. Let me know if you have any suggestions, or if it helps you out of a jam at work :) Rob Warner Jeff Shannon