WARZONE 2100: PLAYABLE DEMO (c) 1998 Pumpkin Studios Eidos Interactive 27 October 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ! Tips to get warzone 2100 looking great on your machine can be found in the known issues section below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS Warzone 2100 Multiplayer Options Pumpkin Studios Website Contact Us On-Line Tutorial Mouse Controls Mouse Look Hints & Tips Command Console Track Camera Keyboard Controls DX6 RENDERING MODES KNOWN ISSUES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WARZONE 2100 DEMO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This demo is a snapshot in time of Warzone 2100. Warzone 2100 is currently under development and is being refined and improved daily. New features are being added, along with hundreds of new units. Instead of waiting until we finish the game, this demo gives you an opportunity to play Warzone 2100 using some of the early enemy units and structures from Campaign 1 - Western Sector. When the demo begins you have already established a base and are ready to begin exploring the surrounding terrain. At the end of your first mission, your transport arrives and lets you select an away team to scout out the next mission map. While on the away team map you can continue to manufacture new units, research artifacts, and design new vehicles. You can also call in reinforcements from your base by selecting the transport icon. At the end of this map, the demo ends. In the final Warzone 2100 game the action continues on through more maps spanning another 2 campaigns, and 36 missions. Your base will carry on for many missions, and will be subject to attack from superior enemies. This system of ongoing missions and expanding mission maps is unique to Warzone 2100 and makes for a very exciting gaming experience. This demo pits you against Scavenger forces in the western desert. It lets you try out a few of the weapon systems in Warzone 2100 and lets you experiment with various design combinations. The full version of Warzone 2100 includes many different weapon types and structures, and takes place in urban and mountainous terrain, as well as desert terrain. As the game progresses, you encounter more powerful enemies who are equipped with medium and heavy tanks. later in the game cyborgs, howitzers, strike aircraft, hovercraft and laser weapons appear. New challenges arise regularly as the game's narrative unfolds. Once you've experienced all three of Warzone 2100's campaigns, there's no going back to other action strategy games. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTIPLAYER OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This current demo is single player only. A multiplayer demo will be available soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUMPKIN WEBSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on Warzone 2100 visit our website at http://www.pumpkin.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT US ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like to contact us you can mail us at demo@pumpkin.co.uk We're interested in your comments about this demo and whether you experienced any difficulties installing or playing it. We'd also like to know about any bugs you find! Send any bugs with a description of your system’s hardware and directX/Glide versions (if necessary). You should also state which version of the demo you have. This will be displayed on screen during play when the 'V' key is pressed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ON-LINE TUTORIAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The on-line tutorial leads you through the process of building your first base. At present there is no digitized speech to accompany the design sequence. This will be added later, along with two other tutorials dealing with map navigation and combat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MOUSE CONTROLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouse controls are intuitive and use both left and right mouse button clicks. We recommend that you play the on-line tutorial before playing the demo to learn how the interface works. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MOUSE LOOK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By holding down the right mouse button and dragging the view you can rotate and tilt the game world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HINTS & TIPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Warzone 2100 uses a 3-part component sequence to design vehicles. The demo has 1 body, 3 propulsions, 4 weapons, and 3 other systems available. Each component type has different characteristics: Light Body Viper lightly armored, low weight scout body Wheels High speed, low protection Halftracks Medium speed, average protection Tracks Slow speed, high protection Machinegun Good against infantry and lightly armored targets Less effective against heavily armored targets Flamer Excellent against bunkers and emplacments Vulnerable to enemy fire - use for hit and run attacks Light Mortar Indirect fire weapon - best assigned to a sensor Most effective against soft targets and infantry Least effective against bunkers Vulnerable to enemy fire Light Cannon Most effective against heavily armored targets Sensor Detects enemies from a long distance Repair Turret Automatically repairs damaged units Constructor Builds and repairs structures Indirect Fire Weapons ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Indirect fire weapons lob shells over friendly troops, structures, and even over hills. However, they must be able to see what they are firing at. When attached to a sensor, indirect fire weapons can shoot at targets that the sensor can see. To attach indirect fire weapons to a sensor select the indirect fire weapons, then select the sensor. A sensor lock box appears to show that you are successful. Sensor Turrets ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All attached indirect fire weapons fire at any target that you select as the sensor's target. The indirect fire weapons continue to fire until the target is destroyed, a new target is selected, or the sensor is destroyed. Sensor Tower: The tower automatically detects enemies in range and then orders any attached weapons to open fire at them. Power Generation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil is extracted from oil pools by derricks, then converted into power by a power generator. The more oil pools attached the quicker power becomes available. The amount of power available appears at the bottom of the screen. Power is used to build structures, manufacture units, and conduct research. Power is drawn as soon as unit or research topic is assigned. This is shown as a green bar. When enough power has been drawn the activity starts. This is shown as a yellow progress bar. Factory Delivery Points ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These can be moved as follows: Left click it to select and move it Left click on the Delivery Point Icon on the factory build menu. Fast Find Mechanisms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Factories, Research Facilities and Trucks all appear in the fast find bar at the bottom of the screen. Left clicking any of the bottom icons moves the 3D view to the obejct's position in the world. Left clicking again returns the view to its original position. Right clicking on a factory icon takes you to the location of the factory's delivery point. Right clicking a factory's delivery point in the 3D view takes you to the location of the factory. COMMAND CONSOLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Right click on any unit to open the Command Console - see Keyboard controls for details of how it works. TRACK CAMERA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By hitting the spacebar you lock the camera to selected unit(s). As the units move, the camera moves with them. Hit the spacebar again to cancel the track camera. ASSIGNING GROUPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Drag select a number of vehicles. Now try assigning groups using the Ctrl key with a number. Press the number once to select the group, twice to jump to it. Track one of the groups using spacebar, then switch to another group by hitting its group number twice. Watch as the camera pans between them! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KEYBOARD CONTROLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Command Console Insert Open Command Console S Short Range L Long Range D Default Range < Retreat at Medium Damage > Retreat at Heavy Damage / Never Retreat F Fire-at-Will E Engage - Return Fire C Cease Fire G Guard Position P Pursue Q Patrol H Go Home - Command Center/LZ R Go for Repair CTRL+R Recycle Group Assignment (# = numeric key) Ctrl + # Assigns selected group # Selects assigned group ## Centers on selected group Unit Selection Keys CTRL+S Select all units on screen CTRL+Z Selects all units of this selected type CTRL+V Selects all VTOLs CTRL+H Selects all Hovers CTRL+W Selects all Wheels CTRL+T Selects all Tracks CTRL+F Selects all Half-Tracks CTRL+A Selects all combat units Terrain Marker B Center view on Command Center Set Waypoints Hold Shift & click in world Sets waypoints Display Controls ESC In-Game Menu F1 Manufacture F2 Research F3 Build F4 Design F5 Intelligence F6 Commanders F7 Radar On/Off F8 Message Console On/Off F9 Unit Health Bars On/Off F10 Dump 3DFX Screenshot to Data Directory F11 Replay Last Speech Message F12 Pause/Unpause Map Controls Cursor Keys Scroll view Numeric Keypad 2 Tilts view down 4 Rotates left 5 Restores default pitch 6 Rotates right 8 Tilts view up + Zooms view - Unzooms view Other Keys Esc Quit game Backspace Restores screen view to North Tab Toggles Menu Displays Track Mode Spacebar Engages Track Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DX6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Warzone 2100 requires DirectX 6 to run. Please visit www.microsoft.com/directx to get the latest version. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RENDERING MODES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Warzone 2100 presently has three different rendering kernels; software, Glide and Direct3D. These can be selected from the Start Menu. We do not recommend you use the software only version at this time, as it is not yet complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN ISSUES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a number of known issues still to be resolved:- i) The routing (path finding) code is yet to be finalised and as such, it's possible that units will on occasion get stuck against each other and the terrain. ii) The transporter shadow does not work well on some video cards (flickers). iii) There are still some polygon sorting issues to be fixed in the display of the components that go together to make up the buildings and units. Some are polygon bias problems and some (especially in software) are because some of the components have yet to be put through the BSP tool. iv) Line of sight. Some of the weapons will fire through the edges of the terrain - cliffs, drop-offs etc.... v) Tracking camera. The automatic camera tracking can sometimes become confused when shifting from tracking large numbers of units to small numbers of units. It is intended that most aspects of the camera tracking will be fully customisable (thereby minimising these effects) by the player for the full release of WarZone 2100. vi) Key mappings. The key bindings in the full release version of Warzone 2100 will be redefinable. There will also be an option to customise the RMB 'mouselook' function. These mappings will then be saved out in a .config file. vii) The full release will contain the option to manually drive any individual unit around the world (as in the PlayStation version) using the PC cursor keys. Other units in the same group will then follow. viii) Texture distortion. In some of the higher resolutions (see below), the textures on in-game objects can be distorted at the edge of the screen. This will be corrected for the final version. ix) Video card compatibility. Full-release Warzone 2100 will work on all video cards compatible with the Glide or Direct3D (Direct X6) APIs. a) Presently there are some problems with some Voodoo cards (Rush and Banshee), as well as the Voodoo 2 when used in SLI setup (2*Voodoo 2). b) Cards with low amounts of texture memory(<=4Mb) may see a degradation in the quality of the textures, and experience some missing textures. c) PowerVR cards are not currently supported. d) DX5 drivers under DX6 may give strange results such as warped text. Try obtaining the latest DX6 driver from your manufacturer. Warzone 2100 will hopefully ship with the latest drivers for your card. e) D3D Cards with Manual Texel-Alignment Options should be set to Upper-Left. f) D3D Cards with Automatic Mip-Mapping should be set to OFF g) AGP systems with adjustable memory settings should be set to 8MEG. x) Gamma correction. It is possible to adjust the gamma correction level within the game through the game options, accessible by pressing ESC. This is still not implemented across all video cards and environment variable setups. xi) Factory delivery points. The mechanism by which this works and the validation procedure that checks whether user-selected locations are viable is yet to be fully implemented. It is therefore up to the user to decide on what makes a chosen location 'sensible'. xii) Fog can be turned off on cards that don't support fog. If the fog colour does not match the background colour while playing, then turn it off from the options menu. xiii) Cards that don't supoprt alpha-blending should select on-compatibility in the options menus. Cards with no transparancy support should select off-compatibility. You can tell if you have do not have alpha blending if explosions are not transparent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGHER RESOLUTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This option has not yet been fully implemented, but it is possible to play Warzone 2100 as it stands in higher resolutions than 640*480. At the moment, the preferred resolution is specified as a command line parameter. This will ultimately be an in-game menu choice. Only the width (x) parameter needs to be typed in. For instance to select 800*600, run the Warzone .exe with a '-800' parameter. Presently, there are some limitations to this. (And all resolutions are governed and restricted by available memory). Glide Voodoo 1 owners may only use 640*480 (default). Voodoo 2 may use default and '-800' option to get 800*600. Software 800*600 '-800' 960*720 '-960' 1024*768 '-1024' 1152*864 '-1152' 1280*1024 '-1280' Direct 3D Only 640*480 presently, although many higher resolutions will be available in the full release. In all of the higher resolution modes, across all rendering modes, the front end interface and video playback will (for this version) be centered on the screen, as opposed to being stretched. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF README.TXT ----------------------------------------------------------------------