% % Terminate help file % % This file MUST be renamed to ALT-Z.HLP % (Default ALT-Z.TXT = Use internal help) % and placed in the \TERMINAT\TLAN_001 directory (or language directory). % % % This menu is shown when Alt-Z is pressed in terminal mode % You can use a maximum of 25 lines that each have 80 characters % You CANNOT change the on/off, they MUST stay the same place. % But you can translate the fields ' on/off', danish: 'til/fra' % 3 fields after and before the / will be highligted. % HelpStart ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³Alt-A SmartNote ³ Alt-= Edit/view keybd ³ Alt-1 Sound on/off ³ ³Alt-B Scrollback buffer ³ Ct-End Send BREAK ³ Alt-2 ANSI music on/off ³ ³Alt-C Clear screen ³ ScrLck Doorway mode ³ Alt-3 Statusline on/off ³ ³Alt-D Dialing directory ³ Pg-Dn Download ³ Alt-4 Usage log on/off ³ ³Alt-E Local echo ³ Pg-Up Upload ³ Alt-5 Add linefeed on/off ³ ³Alt-F File manager ³ ³ Alt-6 IEMSI on/off ³ ³Alt-G Run script ³ Alt-O Configuration ³ Alt-7 Change Ctrl on/off ³ ³Alt-H Hang-up phone ³ Alt-P Comm Parameters ³ Alt-8 Change Alt on/off ³ ³Alt-I Screen Image ³ ³ Alt-9 Change Sh+Ct on/off ³ ³Alt-J Jump to DOS shell ³ Alt-X Terminate ³ Alt-0 Auto capture on/off ³ ³Alt-K String grabber ³ ³ ³ ³Alt-L Capture on/off ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Alt-F1 Statusline left ³ ³Alt-M Init/Screen/Host ³ ³ Ctrl-Shift-F1 ³ ³ Alt-F2 Statusline right ³ ³Alt-N Send username ³ ³ Online manual ³ ³ Alt-F3 Pause ³ ³Alt-Q Quit autologin ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ Alt-F4 IEMSI server ³ ³Alt-R Download path ³ ³ Alt-F5 File tagger ³ ³Alt-S Send password ³ Press F1 in any menu ³ Alt-F6 Tag menu ³ ³Alt-T Terminal emulation³ to get online help ³ Alt-F7 Point system ³ ³Alt-U System information³ ³ Alt-F8 Hostmode ³ ³Alt-V VISIBLE FAST (tm) ³ ______ translator(s) ³ Alt-F9 History strings ³ ³Alt-W Translate editor ³ ______________________ ³ Alt-F0 CD audio player ³ ³Alt-Y Chat Mode ³ ______________________ ³ AltF11 Mail editor ³ ³Alt-Z Help menu ³ Sh-Esc Runtime info ³ AltF12 Fax manager ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; HelpEnd % Highlight these blocks x1,y2-x2,y2 HighLight 2 2 6 24 % First column HighLight 28 2 33 11 % Second column HighLight 53 2 58 24 % last column HighLight 35 18 36 18 % Press >F1< HighLight 32 14 44 14 % Ctrl-Shift-F1 HighLight 28 24 33 24 % Sh-Esc