GIANTS of STEEL user manual Giants of Steel was written by Ulrich Haar from Jan 1995 - April 1996. This demo version is freeware. Technical requirements: You need at least a 486 IBM kompatible, with 4 MB RAM and EMS installed !!!! , to play the game. GoS does only support a Soundblaster compatible soundcard. Use Setup.exe to configure the game!! Controls: Keypoard: Player 1: Player 2: look up coursor down mouse or joystick look down coursor up mouse or joystick turn torso left coursor left mouse or joystick turn torso right coursor right mouse or joystick turn left coursor left+shift mouse or joystick+left control turn right coursor right+shift mouse or joystick+left control speed up coursor up+shift mouse or joystick+left control speed down coursor down+shift mouse or joystick+left control fire 1 right control button1 fire 2 right alt button2 change weapon 1 right control+space left alt+button 1 change weapon 2 right alt+space left alt+button 2 turn torso to move- ment direction - (left to right shift) < (right to left shift) turn movement direction to torso . (left to - ) y (right to <) map M N end ESC I recommend to use the keyboard control, because the other ones( especially the joystick controll) are not without errors. The two player game is somehow strange, but I included it so play and like it! I recommend to choose two equal weapons (two lasers or two guns, and two rocket pods...), because then the programm selects the other one after you fired one and so fire speed is doubled. In this freeware version of the game are three playable one player level and one two player level. In this levels you only have acces to very few weapons and have only contact to very few vehicles. If you had some fun playing this levels order the full version with much more levels in different types of landscapes, with much more weapons like flamethrower, various types of rockets, electro shock ... , with much more vehicles like ships, bombers and much more giants controlled by you or by the enemy. You can get all this for only 10 DM or the same worth in any other currency. Just send the money and some more for the posting back to the following address: Ulrich Haar Am Schuetzenholz 29 29643 Neuenkirchen Germany If you want to contact me for any other purpose write to that address or email me at: or If there occured some errors while you played the game, then send me a message including a description of the error and your actual configuration. History: The development of this game started in Jan 1995, when I began to programm on PC, because somehow I got a list of the 80x86 assembler instuctions. I began to programm some assembler routs and was pleased by the speed of the 486DX2/66 and by the TP6 inline assembler and debugger. Before this I programmed in GFA basic and an assembler on the ATARI ST. There I had no harddisk, no debugger, no inline assembler and no fast computer. So I began to write a polygon drawing routine I already had done for an Atari ST 3D system, added a shading routine, wrote a 3D system around (not the landscape system used in GoS, only the object system) and a 3D objekt editor,made my first PC bitmap-gfx library and a painting program(the first DN-Paint) and all this was done in my first two weeks of PC development. With the objekt editor I started to create various objects.Under these was a mech, which I originally only created to build a complex object. But as I saw how much of these mechs were possible to render in realtime I decided to programm a game around him. So I made the landscape system and uses the next year to develop the whole game with more or less motivation. And here it is .... While programming this game I started as usual various other products which were stopped or are in work up to now. I am actually 19 years old and have just finished my abitur(I hope so). DIGITAL Nightmares products so far: Knuddel's QUEST Atari ST Road Fighter Atari ST Magic Quest Atari ST ZODIAX Atari Falcon FALCCROSS Atari Falcon kwiks Atari Falcon CRASH PC PCCROSS PC GoS PC If you want to contact DIGITAL Nightmares, because you want to join us, you want ask questions or something completly different- write to: Ulrich Haar Michael Haar Am Schuetzenholz 29 Hochhausserstrasse 29643 Neuenkirchen Oldenburg Germany Germany or eMail to: or visit the offical DN-homepage at: Have fun !!!