If the 'hello' example doesn't work, one of the following problems
may be the cause:
A "Can't find class" message
probably means that the file has not been specified in
your CLASSPATH setting, or is misspelled, or is in the wrong case.
The CLASSPATH is the setting that Java uses to find classes for
execution; please refer to your Java installation instructions for
information on setting the CLASSPATH.
A "Can't find class hello..." message may mean that the directory
with the hello.class file is not in your CLASSPATH, or either the
filename or name of the class (in the source) is spelled wrong (the
java command is [very] case-sensitive).
You didn't install on a file system that supports long file
names (for example, on OS/2 or Windows you should use an HPFS disk
or equivalent). Like most Java applications, NetRexx uses long file
You have a down-level Unzip or Tar program. Check that the
file '', with just three capital letters, exists in the
subdirectory 'lib' below the Java home directory.
You have only the Java runtime installed, and not the toolkit. If
the toolkit is installed, you should have a program called javac
on your computer.
You have a down-level version of Java installed. NetRexxC 1.1xx
will run only on Java version 1.1.0 (and later versions). You can
check the version of Java you have installed using the command 'java
-version'. An older version of the NetRexx package is available for
Java 1.0, however that version will no longer be enhanced or
supported in any way.
Your Java toolkit installation has .class files from an earlier
installation of NetRexx in classes/java/lang, classes/netrexx/lang,
or other subdirectories in the 'classes' directory below the Java
home directory.
A message that reports ambiguous class references is a likely sign
of this problem. The easiest way to solve it is to re-install the
Java toolkit in a clean subdirectory.
An 'Out of environment space' message when trying to set CLASSPATH
under Win95-DOS can be remedied by adding /e:4000 to the 'Cmd line'
entry for the MS-DOS prompt properties (try 'command /?' for more
If, when reporting an error or warning, the compiler gives a rather
cryptic identifier and reports 'Sorry, full message not available',
this means that it could not find the (error
messages) file, which should be in the
package (in
An 'Exception 0005' when using the OS/2 beta Java 1.1.1 toolkit is
probably caused by the just-in-time compiler. Try turning it off
before running NetRexxC by setting the environment variable:
(and ignore the 'unable to load dll' message).
An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when compiling hello.nrx under AIX
is caused by an early faulty JIT. Either disable the JIT (as for
OS/2) or update your AIX Java SDK.
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From 'nrinst.doc', version 1.122.
Copyright(c) IBM Corporation, 1996, 1997. All rights reserved. ©