NetRexx Change History - 0.xx
This document lists the changes in NetRexx prior to NetRexx 1.00.
1.00 |
0.90 |
0.88 |
0.86 |
0.84 |
0.82 |
0.81 |
0.77 |
0.76 |
0.75 |
0.67 |
0.54 |
0.50 ]
This release is the reference implementation for NetRexx 1.00, as
published in The NetRexx Language.
- Minor cosmetic and performance improvements over 0.90.
- NetRexxC.bat and nrc.bat have been added to the NetRexx package.
This release is the 'gamma' release prior to NetRexx 1.00. The main
changes are in packaging and installation.
- The compiler name and classes have been moved from the
netrexx.process package to the COM.ibm.netrexx.process package, to
comply with the Java language recommendations. The compiler name is
therefore now COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC.
- The compiler and runtime classes are now packaged in a Zip file that
lets them be used directly by Java without unzipping the individual
classes. To use the Zip file in this way, it must be included in the
CLASSPATH setting -- see the installation
- A similar Zip file, with just the runtime classes, is also included,
for those who need to distribute these with some other program.
- The cross-reference listing is now written to a separate file
(xxx.crossref) instead of to the standard output stream. This makes it
easier to see errors and warnings.
- Reports of variables that are set but not used are now reported as
Warnings, rather than as incidental information at the end of the
cross-reference listing.
- A defined entry-point in NetRexxC allows the compiler to be invoked
directly from NetRexx or Java programs.
- Several cosmetic improvements, notably to tracing of loop
With this release the full function intended for NetRexx 1.00 is
- The power operator (for both the Rexx class and primitive
types) is now implemented.
- The format, insert, overlay, and
trunc methods of the Rexx class are now implemented.
- Conversion from double to a string now provides 15 digits
of precision instead of the 6 digits supplied by Java.
- Tracing of loop instructions has been improved, and other
cosmetic changes have been made to messages and other compiler output.
- Forward references from the class instruction to other
classes in a program are now permitted.
- The generated Java source code no longer includes import
instructions (i.e., all class references are now qualified).
- options compact may be used to request compact
warnings and error messages, intended for use by editing environments.
Please consider this an 'experimental' option; the format may change.
The major change in this release is the new error message processing.
- The NetRexx compiler now has the completely new error message
processing that has been 'in the works' for some time. Error messages
should now be much more helpful, and (where useful) more than one error
message may be produced during a compilation.
- Error messages are held in a separate file (NetRexxC.properties),
which allows for translation. This file will be installed automatically
in the Java 'lib' directory when the NetRexx compiler is installed (if
you don't have access to the Java 'lib' directory, an alternative path
can be identified -- see the NetRexx installation document).
- Interface classes should now use the implements keyword for
extending other interface classes, because in the .class files, all
interface classes must extend java.lang.Object. This change also allows
interface classes to extend more than one other interface class.
The extends keyword will continue to work for a single class (for the
time being), with a warning.
- Various problems with import and qualified class
references have been resolved; in particular, you should now be warned
about ambiguous class references again.
- options trace1 may be used to redirect trace output
to stdout instead of stderr. Please consider this an 'experimental'
Local variables now have a defined initial value, consistent with
properties (variables of primitive type are initialized to 0, all others
to null).
The Rexx class now has a new sequence(final)
method for generating a sequence of characters. This serves the same
purpose as the Rexx and Object Rexx xrange function.
The compare, delstr, delword, d2x,
translate, and x2d methods of the Rexx class
are now implemented.
The values of method arguments are now traced, for trace all and
trace methods.
The numeric instruction is now allowed in binary classes.
Terms may now start with numeric symbols (for example,
Interface classes may now be extended, and methods in Interface classes
may now have Signals lists.
The source and version special words now always
return strings of class Rexx.
Many improvements and clarifications in the documentation.
The translator now parses .class files directly, so no longer
uses the Agent debugging class. This gives the translator full
information about classes and methods, and has allowed the removal of
several restrictions.
The translator can now track 'checked exceptions', and will
automatically add those that are not caught to the signals list
for each method. When this is done, the added exceptions are listed by
the translator.
options strictsignal causes checked exceptions that are not
caught to be treated as an error (as in Java).
The following methods in the Rexx class are now implemented:
b2x, x2b, x2c, c2x, max, min
- The abs method in the Rexx class no longer rounds
to nine digits.
The verbose settings have been reworked to reduce the amount of
output that the translator produces (though all the previously generated
information is still available at verbose4 or verbose5).
Methods that override methods in superclasses or interfaces now list the
overridden or implemented methods. Additional checking, as required for
Java, reports mismatches of the return types of overridden methods, etc.
Using a variable name that matches (hides) the name of a Type that has
previously been referenced as a type by a short name now gives a warning
(this will probably change to be an error, later).
Attempts to subclass (extend) private or final classes are
now reported as errors.
- 'Unreachable' statements are now reported, as in Java.
A method called 'main' with argument type 'String[]'
is assumed static. This now produces a warning.
When '=' or '\=' are used to compare two objects that are unknown to
NetRexx (i.e., not strings), the Java 'equals' method is used
for the comparison. '==' and '\==' check for identical objects, as
The translator now exits with a return value of 2 if an error was
detected, 1 if a warning was displayed, and 0 otherwise.
- Three-pass processing allows forward references from properties and
methods to later classes in the same program.
New 'Methods for Rexx strings' section in the Language Specification
Minor improvements to and tuning of Trace.
The compiler is now entirely written in NetRexx, and so should run on
all platforms that support the Java toolkit.
It calls the javac compiler by direct method invocation, and typically
runs about ten times faster than before (the current slow spots are (a)
reading large classes.zip files and (b) loading classes).
This level of NetRexx (0.67) should be a functional superset of the
final 0.62 OS/2 translator, though there is one small language change.
There is one language change: items of type 'char' are now
treated as a single-character string, rather than as a number
representing the encoding of the character. This avoids anomalies
between binary and non-binary classes.
For those programs that do need to get at the bit representation of
numbers, primitive constructors are introduced, for example:
c=char 'M' -- c is the character 'M'
i=int(c) -- i has the value 77
d=char(i) -- d is now 'M'
- the for keywords on loop are now implemented, as in
loop for 3000; say 'hi'; end
loop i=n by for 10 while j<10; j=n+i; end
- the over keyword on loop is now implemented; this
allows easy traversal through the contents of NetRexx indexed variables.
For example:
/* display the contents of myvar indexed Rexx variable */
do tail over myvar
say myvar[tail]
loop over can be used with any subclass of Rexx or of
Dictionary (for example, Hashtable).
Invalid do syntax is re-tried as a loop instruction, after
a warning.
A list highlighting variables that are referenced only once is included
in the variables cross-reference.
The first non-IBM release of NetRexx -- the OS/2 Rexx prototype.
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This page was created on 27 Nov 1997; it can be found from