Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Will I have to pay you any royalties for distributing BROWSER.EXE?

A: No, you are permitted to distribute BROWSER.EXE. There are no royalties required.


Q: What HTML tags and codes does Browse and View support?

A: Click here for a detailed list of the HTML codes that are supported by Book Browser.


Q: Is there a quick way for someone using Browse and View to return to the home page while they are browsing?

A: Yes. Use the right mouse button for a pop-up menu. One of the menu selections is Home


Q: Hey, you know, this Browse and View thing is pretty neat. I like these sample files that you provided. However, I don't know anything about the Web but still think Browse and View would be a great tool to distribute information. How do I learn this HTML stuff?

A: HTML stands for hypertext markup language. It is the formatting language used to create World Wide Web pages. Click here to take a peek at what the guts of a HTML page looks like. But if you don't want to learn HTML, you can obtain WYSIWYG editors that generate HTML for you with little effort on your part. The best FREE HTML editor can be obtained from America Online ( The best commercial HTML editor is Microsoft's FrontPage 97 ( Also, many newer word processors allow you to export (save as) to HTML, so you may already have the tool and you don't even realize it.


Q: I would like to publish some material on a CD-ROM using your Browse and View program. Are there any concerns that I should be aware of?

A: Yes. If you wish to place Browse and View on a CD-ROM you need to ensure that your HTML files can be found by the program. Here is the concern... Browse and View will look for the BROWSER.INI and BROWSER.MY files in the same directory in which the BROWSER.EXE file is located in. In other words, if BROWSER.EXE is placed in a directory called D:\READER, then the BROWSER.INI and BROWSER.MY files must likewise be placed in the same directory. The HTML pages, however, will be sought for in the CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY, and it is YOUR responsibility to see that the current working directory corresponds to the location of your HTML pages.


Q: Wow! By clicking on the words "Click here" (see above) you were able to start another program (e.g. Notepad). How did you do that?

A: Simple. Just add an "a href=" tag that points to a program name (e.g. NOTEPAD.EXE) along with any command line parameters you wish to pass to the program. If the program (e.g., NOTEPAD.EXE) does NOT exist on your distribution diskette, then you must also add the following tag <base href="DosPath"> within the <HEAD></HEAD> section at the top of your HTML document. This reference to "DosPath" will cause Browse and View to search DOS' PATH for the program. Click here one more time and look carefully at how this is done.


Q: Is there a way to replace the splash screen (the copyright window) that appears when Browse and View starts up? I would like to replace it with my company's logo and copyright information.

A: You can create your own custom splash window fairly easily, however this is an extra charge item and is not included with the base registration fee. Please print the registration form for pricing details. In short, the Browse and View splash copyright window that appears at start up can be replaced by creating a special HTML file, and an additional BROWSER.INI entry. You can define the window size, and you can make the splash window as fancy as you wish by using regular HTML codes. We will provide you with specifics and an example after you purchase this additional feature.


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