BROWSER.INI entries: |
You can customize Browse and View
by using a BROWSER.INI file. Just create an ASCII text file and
name it BROWSER.INI using Windows' Notepad or any text editor.
Some of the changes you can make to the appearance and
operation of the program include: [Settings] Use the StartHTML identifier to define the name of the file you want Browse and View to start up with. If you do not define this entry then the default file INDEX.HTM will be used. Use the StartWAV identifier to define the name of a WAVE audio file you wish to have played when Browse and View begins. [Settings] Use the StartMID identifier to define the name of a MIDI audio file you wish to have played when Browse and View begins. [Settings] Use the StartAVI identifier to define the name of a AVI animation/video file you wish to have viewed when Browse and View begins. [Settings] Use the following entry to turn off the fly-over hints: [Hints] Use the Width, Height, Top and Left identifiers to define the default startup window position. [Position] The following entry will turn OFF the button bar that normally appears at the bottom of the window. [Buttons] To turn ON the button bar (which is the default), use Visible=1