This is an automatically generated listing of Mixmaster remailers. It shows the 12-day history, and average latency and uptime for each remailer.
The list is generated using this type2.list and this pubring.mix. These files last changed 37 days 19 hours ago.
This is the experimental list of reliable mixmasters. Last update: Fri 3 Jan 97 11:19:08 PST mixmaster history latency uptime -------------------------------------------- lcs -+-++++++-+ 39:47 100.00% haystack +*****+**+* 8:08 100.00% jam +++++++++++ 49:45 99.99% squirrel +++++++++-+ 1:12:11 99.99% knight ---------- 1:57:28 99.98% mix --+------- 2:10:33 99.97% lucifer ---------- 1:52:10 99.93% jenanon -____.---- 23:03:39 99.87% replay ---++ +.-+ 3:21:35 99.41% dustbin __ -*+-.-+ 9:41:20 99.36% reno -- +--++ -+ 3:40:20 99.32% middle -- +--+- 1:30:40 99.13%History key