Remailer list
In the decision
granting a preliminary injunction against the CDA, the judges affirmed
the importance of anonymity on the Internet: "Anonymity is important
to Internet users who seek to access sensitive information, such as
users of the Critical Path AIDS Project's Web site, the users,
particularly gay youth, of Queer Resources Directory, and users of
Stop Prisoner Rape (SPR)."
This is an automatically generated listing of remailers. The first
part of the listing shows the remailers along with configuration
options and special features for each of the remailers. The second
part shows the 12-day history, and average latency and uptime for each
remailer. You can also get this list by fingering
This is a more or less comprehensive list of the type-1 remailers.
Here are their pgpkeys. For
information about the Mixmaster (also known as type-2) remailers, see
Mixmaster list.
$remailer{"extropia"} = "<> cpunk pgp special";
$remailer{"mix"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut ek ksub reord ?";
$remailer{"replay"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut post ek";
$remailer{'alpha'} = '<> alpha pgp';
$remailer{'nymrod'} = '<> alpha pgp';
$remailer{"lead"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut ek";
$remailer{"exon"} = "<> cpunk pgp hash latent cut ek";
$remailer{"haystack"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut ek";
$remailer{"lucifer"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut ek";
$remailer{"jam"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut ek";
$remailer{"winsock"} = "<> cpunk pgp pgponly hash cut ksub reord";
$remailer{'nym'} = '<> newnym pgp';
$remailer{"balls"} = "<> cpunk pgp hash latent cut ek";
$remailer{"squirrel"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly hash latent cut ek";
$remailer{"middle"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash middle latent cut ek reord ?";
$remailer{'cyber'} = '<> alpha pgp';
$remailer{"dustbin"} = "<> cpunk pgp hash latent cut ek mix reord middle ?";
$remailer{'weasel'} = '<> newnym pgp';
$remailer{"death"} = "<> cpunk pgp hash latent post";
$remailer{"reno"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp hash middle latent cut ek reord ?"; is _not_ a remailer. is _not_ a remailer. is _not_ a remailer. is _not_ a remailer.
There is no remailer at
Groups of remailers sharing a machine or operator:
(cyber mix)
(weasel squirrel)
The alpha and nymrod nymservers are down due to abuse. However, you
can use the nym or weasel (newnym style) nymservers.
The cyber nymserver is quite reliable for outgoing mail (which is
what's measured here), but is exhibiting serious reliability problems
for incoming mail.
The squirrel and winsock remailers accept PGP encrypted mail only.
403 Permission denied errors have been caused by a flaky disk on the
Berkeley WWW server. This seems to be fixed now.
The penet remailer is closed.
Last update: Fri 3 Jan 97 11:19:07 PST
remailer email address history latency uptime
nym *##*####*** 1:01 99.99%
haystack +#*#+#+*#+* 1:59 99.99%
weasel +++++++++++ 1:09:24 99.99%
squirrel +++++++++++ 1:09:53 99.99%
mix -++++++++++ 50:08 99.98%
lucifer ++++++-++++ 37:06 99.98%
middle ---------- 2:41:12 99.91%
balls **** +****+ 5:13 99.88%
cyber * **+++*++ 33:29 99.85%
dustbin _ .-*+-+-+ 9:27:18 99.67%
replay * -** +.-*+ 2:33:16 99.65%
exon *##** *# #* :59 99.53%
winsock .-.- _---- 10:09:16 98.82%
extropia --- ------ 5:54:13 98.76%
reno ------+- - 3:53:21 98.15%
History key
- # response in less than 5 minutes.
- * response in less than 1 hour.
- + response in less than 4 hours.
- - response in less than 24 hours.
- . response in less than 2 days.
- _ response in more than 2 days.
Options and features
- cpunk
- A major class of remailers. Supports
Request-Remailing-To: field.
- eric
- A variant of the cpunk style. Uses Anon-Send-To:
- penet
- The third class of remailers (at least for right now). Uses
X-Anon-To: in the header.
- pgp
- Remailer supports encryption with PGP. A period after the
keyword means that the short name, rather than the full email address,
should be used as the encryption key ID.
- hash
- Supports ## pasting, so anything can be put into the
headers of outgoing messages.
- ksub
- Remailer always kills subject header, even in non-pgp mode.
- nsub
- Remailer always preserves subject header, even in pgp mode.
- latent
- Supports Matt Ghio's Latent-Time: option.
- cut
- Supports Matt Ghio's Cutmarks: option.
- post
- Post to Usenet using Post-To: or Anon-Post-To:
- ek
- Encrypt responses in reply blocks using Encrypt-Key:
- pgponly
- Accepts only pgp encrypted messages.
- special
- Accepts only pgp encrypted messages, and has slightly different
- mix
- Can accept messages in Mixmaster
- reord
- Attempts to foil traffic analysis by reordering messages.
Note: I'm relying on the word of the remailer operator here, and
haven't verified the reord info myself.
- mon
- Remailer has been known to monitor contents of private email.
- filter
- Remailer has been known to filter messages based on content. If
not listed in conjunction with mon, then only messages
destined for public forums are subject to filtering.
- alpha
- Supports the format of nym service.
- middle
- Is a "middleman" style remailer - creates its own chain of other
- newnym
- Supports the
format of nym service. Note: will be listed soon.
Other remailers and remailer-like things
- Hotmail is a mail-to-Web
gateway. When you sign up, you get an e-mail address of
<your-choice> Then, to read your mail, you go to
the Hotmail Web page. You do have to register, but it's free
(advertiser supported). Check it out!
- Mailmasher is another
mail-to-Web gateway, similar to HotMail. It's run by an employee of
HotWired, and is billed as "an experiment in Web-Based email
delivery." Judging by the statement on privacy, it looks
very privacy-friendly.
- At least one new commercial remailer is attempting to fill the
void left by the demise of The integrity remailer
offers basically the same features (easy to use, two way
communications) as for a modest fee. It's currently in
testing phase.
- A similar, penet-like commercial service is being offered by edtec. The fee is $5 per
- There is a new, free remailer at
For more information, write to
It's only one way, and offers weak security, but it is free.
- AOL has been called "the largest
anonymous remailer in the world," and for good reason. It allows up to
five screen names, each of which is a pseudonym traceable only by AOL
and law enforcement. Plus, disks offering 10 free hours are quite easy
to come by.
Society and remailers
- News flash: The penet remailer has been closed down. For
more info, see Julf's web page
describing the shutdown.
- The spooks review
the remailer net. The link is to a paper entitled "Risk-Free Access Into
The Global Information Infrastructure Via Anonymous Re-Mailers," which
is by Paul A. Strassmann and William Marlow, both of SAIC, a company
with ties to the intelligence community. They have particularly nice
things to say about this remailer list: "There is an agile and very
active global community that keeps track of the average latency time,
uptime of frequently used re-mailers. They post their findings, which
in many cases is superior to what a commercial customer is likely to
find out about their own data center performance, or about the service
quality offered by Compuserve, America-On-Line of Prodigy." Thanks,
- André Bacard's anonymous
remailer FAQ is an excellent nontechnical introduction.
- Remailers are starting to show up in the popular press, including
these two articles in Wired, and
anti-anonymity editorials in the Wall Street
Journal (a rebuttal
was written by Avi Baumstein) and San
Francisco Chronicle (by Martha Siegel herself, no less!). I wrote
a response
to the latter, but it didn't get printed. Peter Lewis wrote a front
page article for the New York
Times that had most of its facts wrong. A better attempt was made
by Reid Kanaley in the Philadelphia
Inquirer. Thanks to Avi Baumstein for putting these documents and
others related to anonymity
on the Web.
- Another recent news item is the compromise of as a
result of a Scientology complaint. Only one name was obtained
(originally they wanted the entire database), but the legal situation
remains unclear. Here's a post describing what
happened and press release from
Johan Helsingius. There was a story in Time
Magazine by Joshua Quittner. Daniel Akst of the LA Times wrote a
about the incident, as well.
- For a somewhat, ah, er, different take on Net anonymity,
hop over to L.Detweiler's
home page. By the way, he tells me that I am an "outsider"
relative to the cypherpunks. This may come as a surprise to the many
who have been following my involvement with the remailer network and
PGP. However, Mr. Detweiler knows (better than I) that I don't really
subscribe to the hidden "black" cypherpunk agenda.
- Version 0.45 of premail is now out! It
requires a Unix system and Perl 5. After setup, it manages all of the
details of using the anonymous remailers, including Mixmaster
remailers. It also automatically encrypts and signs outgoing email,
and decodes incoming email with a single command. Perhaps most useful
is its ability to create and manage and
style nyms with good security (each remailer in the chain re-encrypts
the message) and easy commands.
- Version 3.4 of mailcrypt is out, and
it directly supports remailers and PGP encryption. It implements many
of the same features as premail, but in Emacs. Anyone who uses Emacs
for their news and mail should definitely check this one out. It can
automatically load the information from this remailer list.
- Now at version 2.7: Private Idaho is an
anonymous remailer utility for Windows, supporting PGP, the
cypherpunks remailers, and Mixmaster, and the alias
server. It too automatically configures itself based on this remailer
- Wil Ussery has written a collection of Anonymous FAQs,
including setting up anonymous accounts, posting anonymously to
Usenet, and sending anonymous mail with Private Idaho. These FAQs will
be primarily useful for Windows users.
- ChainMail
is a remailer chaining utility for Mac users, by Jonathan Rochkind. To
use it, you need Eudora, MacPGP, and applescript, in addition to a
number of applescript scripting additions.
- Privtool is
a PGP-aware mailer that also supports Mixmaster.
- While it is possible to post to Usenet directly through the
remailers, many feel that it is better to use a mail to news
gateway. For those of you using premail 0.44, it is indeed your
only option. Thanks to Don Kitchen for maintaining this information.
Web to remailer gateways
- New: Geoff Keating's Java remailer
applet. This one is cooooool.
- The Community ConneXion has put the Web-premail
gateway on its SSL
server. That means that you can send anonymous email from the Web
without exposing your message in the clear on the connection between
your Web browser and the gateway. Good stuff.
- Sameer Parekh's NEXUS Berkeley /
Community ConneXion has a web page set up for sending anonymous
mail from your Web client.
- Michael Hobbs has set up Web gateway to
premail. Now you can send anonymous email directly from your Web
browser. Don't use this for extremely sensitive stuff, though, because
it isn't quite as secure as running premail yourself (in particular,
the connection between your Web browser and the gateway is not
- Noah's
Place has another Web to remailer gateway set up.
Remailer help
- A good source for remailer information is the Anonymity,
remailers, and your privacy page compiled by "Galactus". This is
also the best place to look for information about
- Bob Swanson has put together some tutorials on PGP and
the remaliers.
- Matt Ghio's remailer list is
available by fingering This file also has
all the public keys for PGP-friendly remailers. Matt also has a
pinging service similar to this one, available by fingering Update: Chaos is
having problems getting recognized on the Net. Try and see if that works any
better. Last I checked, the information here was more than a month out
of date. Newer information can be gotten by sending mail to
- Replay remailer help.
- Penet remailer help.
- Help for Matt Ghio's alias system for creating
anonymous addresses. I'm not sure if this service is still
- Help
for the Alpha alias server (also available in a plain email version). In my opinion, this
is the best way to create an alias for anonymous replies to mail. Not
only is it the most cryptographically secure, but you get to pick the
alias nickname of your choice. The email addresses are of the form Highly recommended.
Remailers have home pages too!
- The exon remailer
now has its own home page, including stats, instructions, and the
remailer's public key.
- New: The nymserver
has many more features than the first-generation style.
Now that the latest releases of Private Idaho and premail support it
directly, it's just as easy to use.
- Usura's home
page has a bunch of remailer related stuff on it, including a help
page on chaining remailers.
- Ecafe remailer has its
own Web page, including quick info about how to use the remailer
without encryption or any other extras.
- Shinobi
remailer has its own Web page.
- Tjava remailer has a couple of Web
pages from the main Tjava web page linked here, including a nice,
easy-to-use Web gateway.
- Pamphlet
remailer's Web page includes full sources and some other helpful
Other resources
Suggestions and more links are highly welcomed.
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