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Environment Parameters

Name Description Default Value
parameterFile The URL of the text file that contains parameters -
bgImage The URL of the background image -
bgColor The background color (if no image is specified) AFAFAF
angle The angle of the light source with respect to the button(s) 115
intensity The intensity of the source 0.3
arrangement The orientation of the layout: 0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical 0
hAlignment The horizontal alignment: 0 - left, 1 - center, 2 - right 1
vAlignment The vertical alignment: 0 - top, 1 - middle, 2 - bottom 0
loadText The message displayed while loading buttons Loading...
loadColor The color of the text FFFFFF
loadFont The font of the text 1 0 11

Button Parameters

Name Description Default Value
faceImage The URL of the face in its normal state -
hoverFaceImage The URL of the face displayed when the button is hovered by the mouse cursor -
pushedFaceImage The URL of the face displayed when the button is being held down -
faceSize The dimensions of the button face (overridden by faceImage) -
faceColor The color applied to the normal face -
hoverFaceColor The color applied to the hovered face -
pushedFaceColor The color applied to the pushed face -
faceOpacity The opacity (complement of transparency) of the normal face 1.0
hoverFaceOpacity The opacity of the hovered face -
pushedFaceOpacity The opacity of the pushed face -
faceSmooth The smooth amount applied to the three faces 1
labelImage The label of the normal face -
hoverLabelImage The label of the hovered face -
pushedLabelImage The label of the pushed face -
labelText The label of the normal face (overridden by labelImage) -
hoverLabelText The label of the hovered face (overridden by hoverLabelImage) -
pushedLabelText The label of the pushed face (overridden by pushedLabelImage) -
labelColor The color applied to the label -
hoverLabelColor The color applied to the hovered label -
pushedLabelColor The color applied to the pushed label -
labelOpacity The opacity of the label 1.0
hoverLabelOpacity The opacity of the hovered label -
pushedLabelOpacity The opacity of the pushed label -
labelSmooth The smooth amount applied to the three label images 1
labelFont The font of the label texts 1 0 18
labelAlignment The horizontal alignment for label texts: 0 - left, 1 - center, 2 - right 1
labelOffset The vertical and horizontal distances between the center of a button face and the center of the corresponding label 0 0
hoverLabelOffset The label offset in the hovered state -
pushedLabelOffset The label offset in the pushed state -
menuFont The font used by menus (Java 1.1) -
blinkAmount The amount of color change in the hovered state -
blinkColor The blink color FF003F
blinkPeriod The number of frames for a single blink 15
onSound The sound delivered when the cursor enters the button -
offSound The sound delivered when the cursor exits the button -
pushedSound The sound delivered when the cursor pushes the button -
poppedSound The sound delivered when the cursor releases the button -
triggerSound The sound delivered when the cursor triggers the button -
elevation The perceived elevation of the button from the background 10
friction The amount of response to mouse movements 0.4
speed The speed of the button in returning to its default position 0.3
delay The time delay (ms) between animation frames 50
hMargin The amount of space allowed for horizontal movement 10
vMargin The amount of space allowed for vertical movement 10
description The text displayed in the browser's status bar -
action Either the URL of a document, or a command to another applet, or for the JDK1.1 version, a popup menu -
target Either the frame where the document is to be displayed or an applet _self

Every button you include inside the applet is associated with a number beginning with 0 (zero). To refer to a parameter of a single button, simply follow the parameter's name with the button's number (e.g., faceImage0). If no value is provided for a hovered property, the value is taken from the normal property. If no value is provided for a pushed property, the value is taken from the hovered property. Otherwise, if no value is provided, the default value is assumed. One can change the default value of any parameter by referring to the parameter name as is, without any number (e.g., faceImage).

Parameter values that you provide via HTML override those in the text file. Example 4's parameter file demonstrates the use of parameterFile.


This page was last updated by Uldarico Muico on July 29, 1999.