'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:74 Option Public '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1 Declare Sub CallGNN Declare Function ReplaceStr (S As String, O As String, R As String) As String Declare Sub Initialize Declare Sub ParseNetscapeBookmark '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:10 Declare Public Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib"Kernel" (Byval lpName As String, Byval lpKey As Any, Byval lpDefault As String, Byval lpReturn As String, Byval nSize As Integer, Byval lpFile As String) As Integer Declare Public Function RegOpenKeyExA Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (Byval HKEY As Long,Byval lpszSubKey As String,Byval dwreserved As Integer,Byval samDesired As Long, keyresult As Long) As Long Declare Public Function RegQueryValueExA Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (Byval HKEY As Long,Byval lpszValueName As String,Byval dwreserved As Integer, lpdwtype As Long, Byval lpData As String, readbytes As Long) As Long Declare Public Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegCloseKey" (Byval HKEY As Long) As Long Declare Public Function GetPrivateProfileStringA Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA"(Byval AppName As String,Byval KName As Any, Byval Def As String, Byval RStr As String, Byval nSize As Integer, Byval FName As String) As Integer Dim strURL As String Dim strPageTitle As String Dim iMoreInfo As Integer 'Tracks 'more info' on the Found Set Report '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:CallGNN:1:8 Sub CallGNN Dim happkey As Long Dim HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long Dim KEY_READ As Long Dim HKEY_CURRENT_USER As Long Dim HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT As Long Dim ValueType As Long Dim ReturnedKeyContents As String * 255 Dim readbytes As Long Dim ReturnString As String * 255 MaxBytes%=Len(ReturnString$) IniFileName$ = "Win.Ini" ReturnedKeycontents$=String$(255,Chr$(32)) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT= &H80000000 HKEY_CURRENT_USER= &H80000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE= &H80000002 KEY_QUERY_VALUE=1 KEY_ENUMERATE_SUBKEYS=8 KEY_NOTIFY=16 KEY_READ=KEY_QUERY_VALUE Or KEY_ENUMERATE_SUBKEYS Or KEY_NOTIFY KeyName$="http\shell\open\command" URL$= "http://"+currentview.body.url.text GNNStat = GetPrivateProfileStringA("GNNWorks","AppPath","NA",ReturnString$,MaxBytes%,IniFileName$) AppPath$=Left$(ReturnString$,GNNStat) If AppPath$="NA" Then ' did not find 16 bit GNN works ValueName$="" lstat=RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,KeyName$,0,KEY_READ,happkey) ReadBytes=255 lstat=RegQueryValueExA(happkey,ValueName$,0,valueType, ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes) regclosekey(happkey) If Trim$(ReturnedKeyContents$)="" Then Messagebox("Approach can't determine if a WWW browser is installed, script aborted.") Exit Sub End If BrowserPath$=Left$(ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes-1) ' delete all command line params: ExePos=Instr(BrowserPath$,".exe") If ExePos<>0 Then BrowserPath$=Left$(BrowserPath$,ExePos+4) End If ' return path without leading quote, if there is one: QuotePos=Instr(BrowserPath$,Chr$(34)) If QuotePos<>0 Then BrowserPath$=Mid$(BrowserPath$,QuotePos+1) End If Else ' found GNN Works BrowserPath$ = Left(AppPath$,GNNStat) & "\IW.EXE" End If LaunchPath$=BrowserPath$+" "+URL$ Err=0 On Error Resume Next stat = Shell(LaunchPath$, 1) On Error Goto 0 If Err<>0 Then Messagebox "Error launching web browser, please check installation and try again.", MB_OK, "Error" End If End Sub '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:1:ReplaceStr:1:8 Function ReplaceStr (S As String, O As String, R As String) As String ' S is the input string, O is the old string, R is the replacement string If (S = "") Then ReplaceStr = "" Else n = Instr(S,O) While (n > 0) Mid(S,n) = R n = Instr(S,O) Wend ReplaceStr = S End If End Function '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Initialize:1:10 Sub Initialize iMoreInfo = False End Sub '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:ParseNetscapeBookmark:1:8 Sub ParseNetscapeBookmark 'Declarations Dim strNetPath As String Dim strBookmarkFile As String Dim strBookmarks As String Dim strType As String Dim strCrntHdr As String Dim strSurfnet As String Dim strTableName As String Dim strCrntURL As String Dim strCrntBkmrk As String Dim strMsg As String 'Messag for message box. Dim iFileId As Integer Dim rval As Integer 'Return value. 'Flag (0=quit, 1=quit, 2=go) Dim iOK As Integer Dim lFileLen As Long Dim Con As New Connection Dim Qry As New Query Dim RS As New ResultSet 'Array of bookmarks (Title, URL, Category) Dim aryBookmarks(10, 10, 10) As String 'Initializations iOK = 0 strMsg = "Incorrect directory or file doesn't exist, try again?" On Error Resume Next 'If error occurs, continue. Do Until (iOK <> 0) strNetPath = Inputbox("Enter the name of the Netscape directory.", "Netscape Directory", "C:\NETSCAPE", 150, 150) strBookmarkFile = strNetPath & "\BOOKMARK.HTM" strTemp = Dir(strBookmarkFile) 'List the file. If (strTemp = "") Then 'If the file doesn't exist... rval = 1 'Reset rval = Messagebox(strMsg , 1, "Warning") If (rval = 1) Then iOK = 0 Else iOK = 1 End If Else iOK = 2 End If Loop If (iOK = 2) Then lFileLen = Filelen(strBookmarkFile) iFileId = 1 'Open the file. Open strBookmarkFile For Input Access Read As iFileId Len = lFileLen strType = "N" strTableName = CurrentDocument.Tables(0).FileName strSurfnet = CurrentDocument.Path & strTableName 'Use the data object to enter records. If (Con.ConnectTo("dBASE IV")) Then Set Qry.Connection = Con Qry.Tablename = strSurfnet Set RS.Query = Qry If (RS.Execute = False) Then Messagebox "Couldn't access file for import." End If Else Messagebox "Couldn't access file for import." End If 'Put the contents of the file in a variable. strBookmarks = Input$(lFileLen, iFileId) For i = 1 To lFileLen 'Reset the header if the bookmark has none. If (Mid$(strBookmarks, i, 8) = "
") Then strCrntHdr = "" End If 'Find the header. If (Mid$(strBookmarks, i, 3) = "